Еве ви слична дешавка..
Плус, соодветна анализа:
- It's legal to enter an intersection when the light is yellow in Georgia (where OP lives). Here's the proof.
- Federal legislation doesn't mandate a specific time for how long lights should stay yellow, but everywhere I looked, the absolute minimum was 3 seconds. Nothing less was acceptable and Chicago was sued for being under that. See Question 19 for more details.
- At a little past 10 seconds into the video, the light changes to yellow. OP enters the intersection and t-bones the woman at exactly :14, roughly 3.5 seconds after the light changed to yellow.
- There is a 1.3-second (minimum) pause between the time one direction goes red and the other side changes to green at 30mph (Look at chart 5-11 of the Federal guidelines).
- Based on when OP's light turned yellow, the other driver would not have been able to legally be where she was (3-seconds yellow + 1.3 seconds transition = 4.3 seconds) and she was traveling at full speed). Her light couldn't have turned green until OP was already through the intersection.
OP was 100% legal and the woman he hit was 100% in the wrong unless the times of the lights were outside of federal and state guidelines.Оргиналниот тред на Редит: