Во делот за Rollover Occurrence, Passinger Cars учествуваат со 1.6% (од вкупниот број сообраќајки), додека Utility so 4.0%
Од вкупниот број роловери со смртни последици, 16% се во автомобил, 32% се во Јутилити.
Со оглед на тоа дека од 2009 до сега, процентуално е зголемен бројот на Јутилити возила во сообраќајот, очекувам дека овие разлики помеѓу возила и СУВ-ови се драстично зголемени.

Абе Симо, utility е utility truck, а не suv
A sports utility vehicle, or suburban utility vehicle (SUV), is a vehicle similar to a station wagon, estate car, or van usually equipped with four-wheel drive for on-road or off-road ability. Some SUV's include the towing capacity of a pickup truck with the passenger-carrying space of a minivan or large sedan.
The original 1984 Jeep Cherokee (XJ) made by American Motors combined a
passenger car with truck chassis for ease of driving in difficult conditions, as well as established the modern SUV market segment and its popularity in the late-1980s and early-1990s.[1] The compact-sized XJ Cherokee was one of the most best selling SUV models ever made, with over 2.8 million built between 1984 and 2001.[2]
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a
"sport utility vehicle" is "a rugged automotive vehicle similar to a station wagon but built on a light-truck chassis".[3] The "SUV" term is defined as "a large vehicle that is designed to be used on rough surfaces but that is often used on city roads or highways."[4] The "SUV" acronym "is still used to describe nearly anything with available all-wheel drive and raised ground clearance."[5]