Кој лаже? Germanwings?
Американците !
Германвингс не, ама затоа луфтханза могуче е да лаже
Значи општо правиме муабет за лажењето...
А за авионскава несреќа, не знам шта речи...
На шала го кажа ова - или не, сеедно еве нешто интересно:
http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-03-24/first-images-germanwings-crash-debris-emerge-white-house-says-no-indication-terrorisWhite House, seemingly an expert in determining airplane crashes causes within hours if not minutes of the accident (see flight MH-17) has already opined on the tragic crash of the Lufthansa Germanwings airplane:
Еве нешто уште поинтересно - Луфтханза изгледа веќе има преседан со нерегуларности на индикациите за брзина, и конеквентно губење висина без команда за тоа (при исклучување на аутопилотот).
Lufthansa A321 near Bilbao on Nov 5th 2014, loss of 4000 feet of altitudeBy Simon Hradecky, created Tuesday, Mar 24th 2015 20:43Z, last updated Tuesday, Mar 24th 2015 20:43Z
On Mar 24th 2015 Germany's Büro für Flugunfall Untersuchungen (BFU) reported in their November 2014 bulletin, that the
first officer observed an irregularity in the properties of the speed indication just prior to reaching FL310 and disengaged the autopilot, the aircraft in response began a descent that lasted for about one minute before the crew was able to stop the descent at FL270.The BFU reported Spain's CIAIAC delegated the investigation to the BFU on Nov 11th 2014.
The BFU reported that according to flight data and cockpit voice recorder the first officer (35, ATPL, 6,473 hours total, 5,179 hours on type) was pilot flying, the captain (52, ATPL, 16,384 hours total, 12,414 hours on type) pilot monitoring. After the aircraft climbed clear of top of clouds at about FL200 the flight data recorder recorded a fixed value of +4.2 degrees for the left hand AoA sensor, less than a minute later the FDR began to record a fixed value of +4.6 degrees for the right hand AoA sensor.
The aircraft subsequently turned to fly direct to LATEK waypoint, during this turn the captain noticed the Alpha Protection Band had unusually and significantly increased. The
first officer therefore reduced the climb rate from 800 to 500 feet per minute to enable the aircraft to accelerate. A short time later the first officer disengaged the autopilot and gave a brief nose down input.
The aircraft however continued to pitch down, inputs to counter the pitch down remained without effect. About 45 seconds after the nose down began the first officer alerted the captain who took control of the aircraft, that at this time had reached a rate of descent of 4000 feet per minute and a pitch of -3.5 degrees. The captain provided a maximum nose up input which caused the aircraft to pitch up again and the rate of descent decreased and the aircraft entered level flight.
The captain was able to maintain altitude by providing a continuous nose up input deflecting the side stick about 50% of its travel. The autopilot could not be engaged again, and a manual nose up trim was not possible.
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