Автор Тема: Alfa Romeo vs Everything Else!  (Прочитано 1337973 пати)

Отсутен Deni

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« Одговори #7035 на: 24 Јули 2015, 21:35:10 pm »
Сега за сега.

Отсутен Simo - Carrier159

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Одг: Alfa Romeo vs Everything Else!
« Одговори #7036 на: 24 Јули 2015, 21:45:12 pm »
Значи исто брзи се?

пошто Cayman S има исти перфроманси со бедна алфичка со речиси дупло помалку кубни сантиметри мотор и 50 коњи помалку (на Нирбургринг).

Никој не тврди дека е побрза Јас само реков дека може да се смета за побрзо ауто со оглед на разликите помеѓу про рејсинг драјвер и новинар.

Јас не можам понатака. Кој разбра што сакав да кажам-ок, кој не разбира, џабе и цртање и дубење на глава.
« Последно менување: 24 Јули 2015, 22:02:48 pm Simo - Carrier159 »

Auto ko i svaka Alfa automatski nevalja. Da je najbolji auto na svijetu - opet nevalja jer je Alfa.
Da Alfa nevalja će ti potvrdit SVI koji nikad nisu vozili istu. Jer da valja onda bi je vozili. A kako nisu - nevalja.

Отсутен Cuore Sportivo

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Одг: Alfa Romeo vs Everything Else!
« Одговори #7037 на: 24 Јули 2015, 21:55:14 pm »
Со неразбрани се знае како се поступа:

Отсутен achtung

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Одг: Одг: Alfa Romeo vs Everything Else!
« Одговори #7038 на: 24 Јули 2015, 21:56:56 pm »

Можеше да провериш кој ја возел Алфата и колку Нурбургринг рекорди има поставено пред да речеш дека е до возачот :)


А сеа ти проври си кој го возел Кајманот: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter_R%C3%B6hrl

Walter Röhrl (born 7 March 1947 in Regensburg) is a German rally and auto racing driver, with victories for Fiat, Opel, Lancia and Audi as well as Porsche, Ford and BMW.


In recent years, he has been retained as the senior test driver for Porsche road cars, famously setting quick laptimes for them testing round the famous Nürburgring Nordschleife, for example with the Porsche Carrera GT.

Професионален тркач, со долгогодишно тркачко искуство. Ем тест драјвер за Porsche. Не бе, нема врска возачот. Ако се лажеме :)
Види го ти стариот кур како вози :D

Отсутен bubeqwerty

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Одг: Alfa Romeo vs Everything Else!
« Одговори #7039 на: 25 Јули 2015, 01:57:36 am »
Cayman S во Германија ( oсновното ниво ) чини 64к а алфава 62к, а далеку полуксузно е поршето од Алфата. Атмосферец е , што според мене вистински driver's car треба да е атмосферец и да рика, а не да е 1.75 турбаш. и не е толку на стаза кој е побрз... колку пати и да ја имате колата би оделе на стаза? А и да се вози (http://www.zeperfs.com/en/duel4686-4557.html) пак е побрзо поршето, со исто возачи...  Но како и да е, јас дефинитивно би го одбрал Кајманот пред Алфава, чисто дека како daily driver би била по практична, поопремена и сепак Порше е :)

Отсутен Igor

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« Одговори #7040 на: 25 Јули 2015, 06:38:48 am »
Ubavo obrazlozheno od zbor do zbor. Pogotovo delot so motorot.

Отсутен Simo - Carrier159

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Одг: Alfa Romeo vs Everything Else!
« Одговори #7041 на: 25 Јули 2015, 07:58:10 am »
Novitec стига на помош за незадоволните!


The challenge for Alfa Romeo Tuning has never been so high as with the Alfa 4C. The car is almost perfect and there is not much left to optimize, nevertheless, we have managed to develop a meaningful tuning package, which will be available soon.

The development and production has not yet been finalized, but we want to give you a little look at the development and the future range as it stands at the moment.

Engine Tuning

The engine tuning was not a particularly big challenge, the engine itself has abundant reserves and can be really tuned, 300 hp and 400 nM are feasible without compromising the engine. Unfortunately, the TCT gearbox and clutch set the boundaries to this venture. The C635 gearbox is maxed out to 350 nM according to Alfa, and this has been pointed out repeatedly by technicians as well as at sales seminars from Alfa.

We are testing our 4C currently with 400 nM, we have covered roughly 10.000 km, and up to now it has survived without any damage, it still has to hold out another several thousand kilometers before we take the gearbox and clutch apart to assess whether or not we will be offering an engine tuning and how applicable it will be. Prototypes are already available for our dealers to test.

The hardware is derived from the Maserati range and is connected among other things with the CAN-Bus. The software is a complete redesign, the other buttons on the DNA and will be able to be switched on and off making it possible to increase performance in two steps, going easy on the life span of the clutch and transmission.


Our coilover suspension unit has already been fully developed in cooperation with KW and has been extensively tested by us on the road and on the racetrack. It offers a significantly better ride than the standard suspension, without any sacrificing of comfort. We were able to reduce the light understeering significantly. The adjustment of the height of +5 mm (lifting the series height) has been optimized up to 20 mm lowering.

The development of sport stabilizers has also been completed, but unfortunately they will only available as from the summer of 2015 due to a production bottleneck. Sport stabilizers serve to minimize the roll on the longitudinal axis, which is relatively pronounced on the 4C.

In addition to the coilover there will still be Novitec lowering springs available, these are still in the planning stage, but will be available as of Spring 2015 and will enhance the optics of the 4C.


The particularly light Novitec N11 classic multi-spoke design are available in the dimensions 7,5x17" and 8,5x18". Semi-slicks of various brands, like Pirelli, Dunlop and Goodyear are thus perfectly suited for these rims. Furthermore, the wheelhouse of 4C with the offsets of 25 and 30 mm is perfectly exploited (as far as permitted by the legal framework in several EU-countries). If desired, an 18"/ 19" variant is available.

The rims are available in any colour, with additional delivery time. These are in addition to the standard colours anthracite (slightly lighter than the prototype), silver and black.

Those who prefer to stay with the original wheels,  can optimally fill the wheel arches using the Novitec 15mm spacers.

For 2015 ultralight forged rims are in planning. If you are interested, please contact us, as we would like to incorperate your wishes into the design of our forged rims.


There will be (similar to the series-sport exhaust) a sport exhaust pipe variant, this gives a slightly fuller (deeper) sound than the original sport variant. The choice of tailpipes is between beveled polished stainless steel tubes or beveled tailpipes made of real carbon.

Since the original sport variant is already well above the allowed values (103dB in comparison to the allowed 97dB), there will no E-number (approval) for the pure tube variant.

A street legal sports exhaust will appear with flap control, which will also be available with carbon tail pipes. The control of the valve is via a wireless remote switch, so that a simple assembly is ensured.

A sport catalytic converter, cat replacement pipe and matching flex pipe complete the range for motorsport use and allow for further optimization of the performance.


The development of the styling range has not yet been completed. In addition to front spoiler and rear spoiler there are still some more parts made of carbon, such as mirror covers, engine cover and interior, as well as a license plate holder and black side blinkers appear.


Besides velour floor mats and aluminum buttons for the air conditioning, also coming will be a range of bags for the optimum utilization of the small trunk and a solution for warning triangle, first aid kit and tyre emergency kit.


Of course, all parts will appear with TÜV approval certification or E-number (with the exception of the above-mentioned motor sport components).


Who does not want to wait can contact us, some items are already available from stock or will be arriving shortly.


As usual we offer the opportunity to test all of the Alfa 4C tuning products in Sierksdorf (North-Germany). A prior appointment is however imperative.


Auto ko i svaka Alfa automatski nevalja. Da je najbolji auto na svijetu - opet nevalja jer je Alfa.
Da Alfa nevalja će ti potvrdit SVI koji nikad nisu vozili istu. Jer da valja onda bi je vozili. A kako nisu - nevalja.

Отсутен Stratro

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Одг: Alfa Romeo vs Everything Else!
« Одговори #7042 на: 25 Јули 2015, 10:31:27 am »
Атмосферец е , што според мене вистински driver's car треба да е атмосферец и да рика, а не да е 1.75 турбаш.

Ajde F1 vo poslednive godini ne go zimam za primer...ali EVO, WRX , Ford RS2000, Audi Quattro i eden kup zverovi od Group B sto bea?
Daily cruisers?

Atmosferec i da rika moze..ali od V8 pa nagore.

« Последно менување: 25 Јули 2015, 10:39:09 am Stratro »

Отсутен Deni

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Одг: Alfa Romeo vs Everything Else!
« Одговори #7043 на: 25 Јули 2015, 10:34:12 am »
Ова ево, или тркачкото?

Отсутен Stratro

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Одг: Alfa Romeo vs Everything Else!
« Одговори #7044 на: 25 Јули 2015, 10:39:23 am »

Отсутен MartinAlfista

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Одг: Alfa Romeo vs Everything Else!
« Одговори #7045 на: 25 Јули 2015, 10:56:24 am »
Бубе тотално ја утнал поентата на 4C.
Кејман С е втора кола за по одмори со младата жена, Алфата е веќе трета кола за цивилизирани држави кај што нема можност на пат до патеката да ти пукне ербег од удар во дупка.

Отсутен Deni

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Одг: Alfa Romeo vs Everything Else!
« Одговори #7046 на: 25 Јули 2015, 10:58:33 am »
Ако имаш кајман како втора кола, да купиш 3та Алфа 4Ц?

Ти да не ја утна поентата малку? Тоа е како да имаш Поло, и како втора кола да купиш Фиеста. Тешка глупост.

Отсутен MartinAlfista

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Одг: Alfa Romeo vs Everything Else!
« Одговори #7047 на: 25 Јули 2015, 11:24:16 am »
Не знам од каде заклучи дека ист човек треба да ги има овие коли.

Отсутен Deni

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Одг: Alfa Romeo vs Everything Else!
« Одговори #7048 на: 25 Јули 2015, 11:28:05 am »
Така ми личеше од текстот.

Отсутен MartinAlfista

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Одг: Alfa Romeo vs Everything Else!
« Одговори #7049 на: 25 Јули 2015, 11:29:37 am »
Да беа наменети за истата клиентела, други муабети ќе теравме.