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The 80% fill rule is a preventative safety measure against the fluctuations that happen inside a tank. Propane, like water, will expand when heat is added to it. Propane, however, will increase in volume nearly 17 times greater than water over the same temperature increase. To allow for this expansion, propane containers are filled to only 80% of their capacity.
како бе Миле ја препоплнуваш? Си има боцата сигурносен вентил кој не дозволува да ја наполниш повеќе од таму 80-85%, од нејзиниот волумен. не за џабе е стаен тој. ЦитатThe 80% fill rule is a preventative safety measure against the fluctuations that happen inside a tank. Propane, like water, will expand when heat is added to it. Propane, however, will increase in volume nearly 17 times greater than water over the same temperature increase. To allow for this expansion, propane containers are filled to only 80% of their capacity.http://blog.amerigas.com/residential-propane/propane-tanks-the-80-fill-rule/