не знам за квалитетот, али алал да им е за DSG
посебно корисно кога не можеш да ја користиш левата нога ради повреда.

Victoria's Attorney-General has been asked to launch an investigation into the issues raised by a coronial inquest into the death of a young woman who died when her Volkswagen Golf appeared to stop suddenly on a Melbourne freeway in 2011.
The inquest heard the 32-year-old driver died when her Golf slowed suddenly on a Melbourne Freeway in January, 2011, resulting in a crash.
"We just want justice for our daughter," her mother Liz O'Donnell said.
"We don't feel we received that, and justice for all those people out there still driving."
Ms Ryan's GTI Golf lost speed from 100 kilometres per hour to just 31 kilometres per hour, resulting in her car being hit from behind by a truck.
The truck driver was not charged, and he told police and the inquest that Ms Ryan's car "just stopped" in front of him without brake lights.