Не не може лок, не е гон форевер.
yes, it is forever...помири се со фактот.. еве читај:
Top Gear executive producer Andy Wilman has quit the BBC show in the wake of Jeremy Clarkson's departure, the BBC has confirmed.
Former presenter Clarkson was dropped from the show last month following a "fracas" with a producer.
Wilman, who was an old school friend of Clarkson, helped reinvent the show and oversaw its growth into a globally successful programme.
He had previously denied he was leaving when a leaked email suggested he was.
поентата ми е дека, сите се повлекоа, сите си отидоа.. нема више кој да го прави... а може и ке го рестартираат, па тогаш пак нека се смени насловот во is back...