Автор Тема: Bugatti Chiron - The ultimate, quintessential super sports car  (Прочитано 42125 пати)

Отсутен Stratro

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Одг: Bugatti Chiron - The ultimate, quintessential super sports car
« Одговори #60 на: 02 Март 2016, 23:50:32 pm »

And so this week, we finally got to see the Bugatti Chiron, the $2.6-million supersonic follow-up to the Veyron. The press release that accompanied the reveal was plenty revealing itself. It included a classic Bugatti sequence of superlatives, offering up the Chiron as the "most powerful, fastest, most luxurious and most exclusive" super sports car, like, ever.

And that was just the first line. The second: "Bugatti has made the best even better." Modest chaps, aren't they?

Forgive me if my reception is reserved, my excitement muted. Because when it comes to Bugatti and hyperbolic modifiers, this one sticks out in my mind: The Veyron was the most boring hypercar ever produced.

The Veyron wasn't a car for drivers. It wasn't meant for the racetrack, and it didn't excel on windy roads. It was the ultimate valet car, the braggart's shiny jewel. Sheiks filled their garages with them. Floyd Mayweather reportedly owned four of them. Bieber posted about one in his Instagram account, hinting that it was a pricy gift from a music producer.

The Veyron wowed not by its beautiful design (it simply wasn't very good looking), but by force of its numbers. The price of its tires, how quickly it would empty its tank at full blast, the amount of air its turbos sucked in per second, the number of fuel pumps and radiators, and of course, the price. The car simply had to be amazing, right? The best of the best, because the numbers said so. The ultimate enthusiast clickbait.  

And then along came a regular ol' guy, John Hennessey, in his shop in Houston, who took a customized car to 270 mph and broke the Veyron's record. In a heavily modified Lotus Exige, of all the damn things. You can get caught up in the byzantine arguments about what is or isn't a production car, or what is or isn't an official run. But by that point, David was sitting a whole lot prettier than Goliath, and at a fraction of the development costs. The VW minions must have been steamed.  

Attack the curves, and the cars tended to understeer (though later versions the handling improved). The car was heavy and not that lively and not nearly as fun as, say, a Corvette Z06. The steering was rather dull and the engine only sounded good while under attack and . . .  Well, there were better ways to spend a million or two.

One can't help but wonder if members of the VW Group aren't experiencing some trepidation over the Chiron's release. The company reportedly lost money on every single Veyron, and since the diesel scandal, money is tight. So is environmental credibility. I'd be curious to talk to a pissed-off VW TDI owner about the Chiron and the VW Group's current priorities.

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Americans...what do they now...right? ;D

« Последно менување: 03 Март 2016, 00:02:15 am Stratro »

Отсутен MartinAlfista

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Одг: Bugatti Chiron - The ultimate, quintessential super sports car
« Одговори #61 на: 03 Март 2016, 00:32:32 am »
Тотално промашен текст. Америчка пропаганда. Апсолутно никаква допирна точка со реалниот свет.

Џабе ти објаснува човек тебе, кога се гледаш во бројки на хартија. :) Типичен опелџија. ;D

Отсутен Stratro

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Одг: Bugatti Chiron - The ultimate, quintessential super sports car
« Одговори #62 на: 03 Март 2016, 00:34:56 am »

Отсутен LosiPatista

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Одг: Bugatti Chiron - The ultimate, quintessential super sports car
« Одговори #63 на: 03 Март 2016, 07:01:12 am »
Не е лошо да се слушне и малку критика. Се согласувам, штом е најкола, треба да се управува добро. И ГТР е 1.8 тони па се управува, нема изговор.  Едно нешто да фали не е цело. И денеска дознавме дека опелџиите биле рационални луѓе.

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Отсутен Stratro

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Одг: Bugatti Chiron - The ultimate, quintessential super sports car
« Одговори #64 на: 03 Март 2016, 10:13:21 am »

Отсутен velestrumf

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Одг: Bugatti Chiron - The ultimate, quintessential super sports car
« Одговори #65 на: 03 Март 2016, 11:06:42 am »
А што очекувавте, дека the average Chiron buyer е тип од Ржаничино што држи синџир гранапчиња у Петровец и Јурумлери?

The numbers thing, the how-fast-can-we-drag-race-a-bunch-of-cars, is the realm of people who think more is better, not better is better. - Matt Hardigree, Jalopnik.

Отсутен Stratro

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Одг: Bugatti Chiron - The ultimate, quintessential super sports car
« Одговори #66 на: 03 Март 2016, 11:09:55 am »
Курчот во изјавата пизди.
Такво нешто нема да чуеш од Пагани, Коентигзег , па ни од Ферари кои може и да ти продадат кола , а да не ти дадат дома да си ја носиш.

Отсутен velestrumf

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Одг: Bugatti Chiron - The ultimate, quintessential super sports car
« Одговори #67 на: 03 Март 2016, 11:12:34 am »
Мене не ме пизди, да бидам искрен. Едноставно не ми е гајле.

Нити ми се свиѓа Широнов, нити па Вејронот ми се свиѓаше, а секако се возила кои и да иам брдо пари, пак не би ги купил.
The numbers thing, the how-fast-can-we-drag-race-a-bunch-of-cars, is the realm of people who think more is better, not better is better. - Matt Hardigree, Jalopnik.

Отсутен Stratro

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Одг: Bugatti Chiron - The ultimate, quintessential super sports car
« Одговори #68 на: 03 Март 2016, 11:19:08 am »

Нити ми се свиѓа Широнов, нити па Вејронот ми се свиѓаше, а секако се возила кои и да иам брдо пари, пак не би ги купил.

Има во светов многу со брдо пари кои размислуваат исто.
Затоа Вејронот се продаваше цела деценија, за разлика од други..

Отсутен Stratro

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Одг: Bugatti Chiron - The ultimate, quintessential super sports car
« Одговори #69 на: 10 Март 2016, 09:55:46 am »
The Bugatti Chiron was unveiled at the Geneva Motor Show today, and with the reveal came official confirmation that the Chiron is fast. Really, really fast. But one thing we don't know is exactly how fast it will go without the speed limiter.

Thanks to an engine that makes 1479 horsepower and 1180 lb.-ft. of torque, the Chiron will hit 62 mph in less than 2.5 seconds, 124 mph in 6.5 seconds, and 186 mph in 13.6 seconds. Compared to the Veyron, the Chiron is nearly three seconds faster to 186 mph, and compared to the Veyron Super Sport, it still has a one-second edge.

If you have the room to keep your foot down and have the car in "Top Speed" mode, the Chiron won't stop until you hit 261 mph. But that's not its actual top speed. No, that's the speed Bugatti decided to electronically limit the Chiron to.

With the electronic limiter turned off, you have to wonder just how much faster the Chiron can go. Will it be able to hit 270 mph? What about 280? We've even heard rumors of 288 mph.

Thankfully, we won't be stuck guessing. Bugatti has said it intends to attempt an official top speed test to get the Chiron certified as the fastest production car in the world. What that figure ends up being, we can't wait to find out.

Отсутен Carpathian Lord

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Одг: Bugatti Chiron - The ultimate, quintessential super sports car
« Одговори #70 на: 10 Март 2016, 10:09:52 am »
Ја лимитирале максималната брзина...оти гледам сите Вејрони ги возат 430 :)))

Отсутен Deni

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« Одговори #71 на: 10 Март 2016, 10:29:37 am »
Изгледа уште нема пневматици кои ќе може да заокружат на 300mph.

Отсутен Stratro

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Одг: Bugatti Chiron - The ultimate, quintessential super sports car
« Одговори #72 на: 10 Март 2016, 12:12:52 pm »
...тоа и писта како на Фаст 6 последната сцена.
Затоа правите speed kings се оние кои поставуваат рекорди за една миља, а не Бугативо.

Отсутен lans

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Одг: Bugatti Chiron - The ultimate, quintessential super sports car
« Одговори #73 на: 13 Март 2016, 09:05:17 am »
nekoj da nabroi sto pridobivki se diseminiraa od vejronot?
pa da vidime dali 2.6m dolari e opravdana cenata za R&D na chironov?
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Отсутен Tischläufer

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Одг: Bugatti Chiron - The ultimate, quintessential super sports car
« Одговори #74 на: 13 Март 2016, 09:54:12 am »
Ма јок к*рац како оправдана?
Нема оправдување за толку скапо возило. Се е тоа намерно дигнато колку јако да звучи со маркетинг конотација.