Автор Тема: ГМО  (Прочитано 417552 пати)

Отсутен Deni

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Отсутен LosiPatista

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Одг: ГМО
« Одговори #166 на: 02 Октомври 2013, 16:58:26 pm »
Постои голема разлика помеѓу ГМО и Монсанто.

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Отсутен marsher

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« Одговори #167 на: 05 Октомври 2013, 08:40:15 am »

Отсутен Tischläufer

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« Одговори #168 на: 05 Октомври 2013, 09:50:37 am »
Абе Маршер!!! Гадно ;D

Отсутен djidji

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« Одговори #169 на: 13 Октомври 2013, 20:37:55 pm »

Отсутен zeroSignal

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« Одговори #170 на: 08 Ноември 2013, 19:18:16 pm »

Одлично четиво.

Го истакнувам ова:

„But what about the undeniable fact that the rise in autoimmune disorders tracks GMO consumption? The rise in such problems, including allergies, started long before GMOs were introduced. Incidences of these same conditions across U.K., Europe and in other countries where there is no consumption of GM foods match U.S. trends. To put this claim in perspective, the upward slope also tracks with the cumulative wins of the New England Patriots under Bill Belichick, the GDP of China, and indeed the increased consumption of organic foods over a similar period of time. In other words, the alarming connection that Shetterly alludes to in her piece is completely random.“

Но, особено привлекува внимание ова:

„Shetterly quotes a few experts who assert that genetically modified foods are safe, but the majority of her sources seem sympathetic to her plight and Mansmann’s GMO-corn allergy theory. I talked to or exchanged emails with almost all of them. The feedback was consistent: Her article was variously described as “ridiculous” and “absurd.” To a person, the sources I reached complained that Shetterly had misused their statements.

Отсутен Darkovski

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« Одговори #171 на: 09 Ноември 2013, 00:04:11 am »

Отсутен Cuore Sportivo

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« Одговори #172 на: 09 Ноември 2013, 10:05:52 am »
Кај ги најдоа овие:

Е ова е веќе на ниво, кај професоркава имав 9-ка

Малце остарела иначе многу јака пичка :D

Отсутен Tischläufer

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« Одговори #173 на: 09 Ноември 2013, 10:10:38 am »
Сериозно остарел фосилов.

Отсутен Deni

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« Одговори #174 на: 09 Ноември 2013, 10:37:25 am »
Кај ги најдоа овие:
Неможам да си објаснам.

Отсутен zeroSignal

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« Одговори #175 на: 09 Ноември 2013, 10:46:30 am »
За ГМО зборат режисер и продуцент..

Отсутен Vasil

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« Одговори #176 на: 04 Декември 2013, 16:13:24 pm »

But even a cursory glance at the results suggested there were some severe problems with this conclusion. To begin with, there were similar effects caused by both the genetically engineered crop and by the herbicide it was designed to degrade. None of the treatments showed a dose effect; in some cases, the lowest doses had the most dramatic effect. And, if the treatment populations were combined, in some cases they were healthier than the controls. Tests of whether the results were statistically significant were completely lacking.

All of these criticisms of the study could have been incorporated into the original press coverage, except for the fact that the people behind the study manipulated journalists to ensure that they were unable to obtain any outside evaluations of the paper. Nevertheless, even as the criticisms rolled in, the researchers remained defiant, and anti-GMO activists continued to promote the paper as evidence of the dangers posed by genetically modified crops.

A statement released by the group GMWatch basically says that the paper was fine, the editor is being unethical, and Monsanto might be behind it all. So, it seems that Séralini's paper will continue to be brought up long after it's removed from the formal scientific literature.

Отсутен LosiPatista

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« Одговори #177 на: 04 Декември 2013, 16:25:53 pm »
Да може да бираш:

1. ГоМнО
2. Органска

Што ќе одбереш?

Torsion Beam - The Only Axle You Will Ever Need

Отсутен Deni

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« Одговори #178 на: 04 Декември 2013, 16:37:15 pm »
Како производител или како купувач? :)

Отсутен LosiPatista

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« Одговори #179 на: 04 Декември 2013, 16:49:53 pm »
Консумер, се разбира.

Torsion Beam - The Only Axle You Will Ever Need