Веќе неколку пати сум пренесувал ствари напишани во CAR Magazine, како еден од најквалитетните и најпочитувани автомобилски магазини во светот. Само што го земав најновиот број, и вниманието ми го задржа тестот на овие четири модели.
- Volkswagen Scirocco R (GBP 32.145)
- Vauxhall Astra VXR / Opel Astra OPC (GBP 28.185)
- Renault Megane 265 Cup (GBP 24.840)
- Volkwagen Golf GTI 35 (GBP 32.635)
Ќе ги пренесам некои од таговите кои им се истакнати во статијата:
- "You sit low in the new VXR in a supportive bucket seat, so you immediately feel more involved than before."
- "The Megane RS is still a weapon. The bite fron its front end is initially shocking."
- "The Renault's engine is hardly characterful, but at least it doesn't sound as awful as the Vauxhall."
- "Suddently you're no longer coaxing the Astra's sweet steering through turns, you're following it like a divining rod."И заклучокот:
"Much as I thoroughly enjoyed the VXR, it's inadvertently parachuted itself into no-man's land just as the Christmas Day kickabout is winding down, because if you were in the market for a hardcore hot hatch, I'd point your money in the direction of the Megane RS. But if you wanted something more rounded, I'd suggest you seriously considered one of the Volkswagens. Now, only you will know if you actually need the extra practicality and lower price tag that comes with the Golf GTI 35 - and it's worth noting that the Scirocco is the only car here to offer seats and belts for just the four passengers - but if you can make the compromise and stretch a little further, you'll find the Scirocco R to be the decisively superior drive.
I'll leave you with this thought: When I had time for just one more blat in Wales, I jumped in the Megane. The next day when I took my mother-in-law to the airport, I plumped for the Scirocco, and still had fun coming the long way home. To corrupt the VXR slogan, the question you need to ponder is this: Are you Megane RS enough? If yes, you know where to look. If no, get yourself in the Scirocco. Either way, you don't be disappointed."Лично, малку сум разочаран. Стварно сакав Астрата да биде на самиот врв. Ем ми се свиѓа како изгледа, ем технологијата која е начукана во колата ветуваше многу. Мислења?