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Since it’s a TV show that must deliver its main purpose -entertainment- and wants to continue and/or increase its success on the platform it’s in, a scripted scenario is I’m afraid pretty much unavoidable. But that’s the beauty of the show; Top Gear has never pretended to be a clean-cut, conservative car show that delivers strict, objective reviews of the latest models. If you want your motoring show dry and well balanced, there are plenty of them out there, pick one and stop whining.
"I shouldn't have to suffer because somebody has Ford Anglia"
Со години. Плус, еве, да речеме - ја возам 160, крпеницата вози 80. Исто растојание ни треба да закочиме - и побезбедно е! Ако и двајцата возиме 80, ја ќе закочам за драстично помалку растојание и он ќе ме удри од позади!