Чудесно е како Верстапен го изгуби “талентот” заедно со доминантноста на болидот откако ФИА го забрани асиметричниот регулатор за распределба на силата на сопирање.
Одеднаш почнаа да победуваат сите останати освен Ред Бул.

In Miami, the rules have been re-worded to forbid ‘any system producing asymmetric braking’: could RedBull have been using such a system?

Here is how it would work!

On corner entry, the centrifugal inertial force shifts the load to the outer tyres

These experience much more grip than the inner ones 🛞
A ‘T-valve’ would, under the effect of the centrifugal force, direct more braking pressure towards the outer tyre than to the inner one, in a way similar to a limited-slip differential!

This produces two main benefits:
-Improved tyre wear (the inner tyre locks up less)

-Better braking (fully exploiting the grip of the outer tyre)

Per @PeterDWindsor, this ban would explain Verstappen’s rear-right brake drama in Melbourne and his turn-in struggles since China. @ScarbsTech also agrees