Автор Тема: VW Passat 2.0TDI 150PS B8 2015  (Прочитано 83911 пати)

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Одг: VW Passat 2.0TDI 150PS B8 2015
« Одговори #60 на: 23 Август 2015, 01:07:33 am »
denes izrotirani gumite predni,zadni. ponuda od moto centar za 215/60r16 zimski
michelin alpine 5
contiental ts830p
nokian wrd3
jamb vo najava,prasav za letni 235/35r19 letni
michelin pilot super sport,20000 denari edna.that's gonna leave a mark.
VW Passat 2.0TDI 2015
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Одг: VW Passat 2.0TDI 150PS B8 2015
« Одговори #61 на: 23 Август 2015, 01:09:14 am »

True, ама ако се исполнети некои услови. Поголема површина не значи автоматски и подобро кочење. Треба да се набават квалитетни шепи, со квалитетни плочки и соодветно квалитетни дискови. Џабе поголеми дискови ако дисковите и плочките се срање.
VW Passat 2.0TDI 2015
Skoda Fabia 1.2TSI 110PS DSG7 2016
Honda SH150i  2020

Отсутен Carpathian Lord

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Одг: VW Passat 2.0TDI 150PS B8 2015
« Одговори #62 на: 23 Август 2015, 02:18:45 am »
Дискутабилни ми се овие калниците. Ајде можда со бела фолија подобро ќе легнат.

Отсутен Tischläufer

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Одг: VW Passat 2.0TDI 150PS B8 2015
« Одговори #63 на: 23 Август 2015, 02:18:56 am »
Добри се и едните и другите, но јас би сепак Континентал. Боље стојат на Пасат, на германска кола се ставаат германски гуми :)

Отсутен FilipM

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Одг: VW Passat 2.0TDI 150PS B8 2015
« Одговори #64 на: 23 Август 2015, 03:05:52 am »
denes izrotirani gumite predni,zadni. ponuda od moto centar za 215/60r16 zimski
michelin alpine 5
contiental ts830p
nokian wrd3
jamb vo najava,prasav za letni 235/35r19 letni
michelin pilot super sport,20000 denari edna.that's gonna leave a mark.

Nokiata gi vozev kaj mene nekolku sezpni, gi kupiv novi koga izleze modelot vo '11 god....na suvo bea zacuduvacki dobri. Gi zameniv so Fulda Kristall Montero 3 koi pak na sneg se pokazaa podobri od Nokianot, a na suvo tuka nekade. Xa drugite ne mozam da komentiram.

Ps. Koga 19kite? :)
I’m so mean, I make medicine sick

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Одг: VW Passat 2.0TDI 150PS B8 2015
« Одговори #65 на: 23 Август 2015, 05:39:18 am »

True, ама ако се исполнети некои услови. Поголема површина не значи автоматски и подобро кочење. Треба да се набават квалитетни шепи, со квалитетни плочки и соодветно квалитетни дискови. Џабе поголеми дискови ако дисковите и плочките се срање.

Тоа мислам дека се подразбира...

Присутен Simo - Carrier159

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Одг: VW Passat 2.0TDI 150PS B8 2015
« Одговори #66 на: 23 Август 2015, 07:37:06 am »
jamb vo najava,prasav za letni 235/35r19 letni
michelin pilot super sport,20000 denari edna.that's gonna leave a mark.

Тоа се тие нестандардни димензии...
Јас од слични причини наместо 235/45/18 ставив 245/40/18. Уштеда од некои 100-150 евра. Еве за тебе:

Auto ko i svaka Alfa automatski nevalja. Da je najbolji auto na svijetu - opet nevalja jer je Alfa.
Da Alfa nevalja će ti potvrdit SVI koji nikad nisu vozili istu. Jer da valja onda bi je vozili. A kako nisu - nevalja.

Отсутен Dzo

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Одг: VW Passat 2.0TDI 150PS B8 2015
« Одговори #67 на: 24 Август 2015, 01:01:45 am »
Mene me interesiraat 19kite da gi vidam, i dali naraca eibach spraili? ili KW so DCC? :D
eve gi
(Фотографијата е скриена. Кликни тука за да ја прикажеш..)
ako nesto naracuvam,kje bide beli shepi i pogolemi diskovi za kocnicite.
na ubeduvanje sum deka podobro se koci so pogolemi diskovi? true/false?

Ке видиме како ке стојат на кола па во живо.

19ките 235.35 мислам ке ти се мали за колата, освен ако не јас спушташ прлично.

Кочници разгледај кај грциве, има интересни сетови, за ОК цени, кои во европа може да се дуплираат.

Отсутен lans

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Одг: VW Passat 2.0TDI 150PS B8 2015
« Одговори #68 на: 24 Август 2015, 02:14:23 am »
ova stigna,sea use da projdat 3 nedeli pa da vidime dali stvarno dodava 50konjski sili i 100NM
VW Passat 2.0TDI 2015
Skoda Fabia 1.2TSI 110PS DSG7 2016
Honda SH150i  2020

Отсутен lans

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Одг: VW Passat 2.0TDI 150PS B8 2015
« Одговори #69 на: 24 Август 2015, 02:16:19 am »
Mene me interesiraat 19kite da gi vidam, i dali naraca eibach spraili? ili KW so DCC? :D
eve gi
(Фотографијата е скриена. Кликни тука за да ја прикажеш..)
ako nesto naracuvam,kje bide beli shepi i pogolemi diskovi za kocnicite.
na ubeduvanje sum deka podobro se koci so pogolemi diskovi? true/false?

Ке видиме како ке стојат на кола па во живо.

19ките 235.35 мислам ке ти се мали за колата, освен ако не јас спушташ прлично.

Кочници разгледај кај грциве, има интересни сетови, за ОК цени, кои во европа може да се дуплираат.
a taa firmata zad biser sto rabotat so kocnic,diskovi,plocki,itn?
VW Passat 2.0TDI 2015
Skoda Fabia 1.2TSI 110PS DSG7 2016
Honda SH150i  2020

Присутен Simo - Carrier159

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Одг: VW Passat 2.0TDI 150PS B8 2015
« Одговори #70 на: 24 Август 2015, 06:26:29 am »
За поголеми дискови ти требаат и други шепи (некогаш и промена на амортизери подразбира ова),и најдобро е да најдеш од возило ко` твоето, но помоќно. Ако сакаш да останеш на истите димензии а да го подобриш кочењето, ќе најдеш спортски дискови и плочки со поголем фрикцион коефициент.
Разгледај по нетов што имаат EBC да понудат, знаат што праат.

Auto ko i svaka Alfa automatski nevalja. Da je najbolji auto na svijetu - opet nevalja jer je Alfa.
Da Alfa nevalja će ti potvrdit SVI koji nikad nisu vozili istu. Jer da valja onda bi je vozili. A kako nisu - nevalja.

Отсутен lans

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Одг: VW Passat 2.0TDI 150PS B8 2015
« Одговори #71 на: 28 Август 2015, 07:37:19 am »
konecno uspeav da gi srocam tweaks sto gi napraviv
1. Adjustment of shutdown
In the parking aid control unit gives you the option when VW Passat B8 adjust the shutdown. Depending on the set height deactivation can thus be delayed or even accelerated.
The following code is to be applied:
Select STG 10 (parking aid)
STG adjustment -> function 10
Select channel shutdown parking aid
Adjust Value accordingly (default value: 15 km / h) DONE TO 5KMH,DEFAULT IS 15KMH.AFFECTS THE PASSENGER DRAWDOWN.

2. Komfortblinker cycle adjust
In the network control unit gives you the option when the VW Passat B8 Komfortblinker cycle adapt. Depending on the desired setting, the behavior of the blinker can acc. To be changed. By default, in the button 3 times blinking, in the example, this is increased to 5 cycles turn signals.
The following code is to be applied:
Select STG 09 (vehicle power)
STG Access Permission -> Function 16
Enter unlock code 31347
STG adjustment -> function 10
(2) Turn signal control comfort flashing flashing cycles Select
Value adjust accordingly as desired default value: 3
Do not forget to reset the ‘light’ to factory settings in the ‘car menu’ DONE TO 5 BLINKS

3. Passenger drawdown when reversing
In passenger door control unit you have the option of the VW Passat B8 to activate the passenger-side mirror lowering. Thus is lowered automatically when reverse gear is selected and the mirror passenger side mirror of the passenger side.
The following code is to be applied:
Select STG 42
STG coding -> function 07
Byte 04
Enable Bit 2
Enable Bit 3
Select STG 52 (Türelektr. Beifahr.)
STG coding -> function 07
Byte 04
Enable Bit 2
Enable Bit 3
Select STG 09 (vehicle power)
STG Access Permission -> Function 16
Enter unlock code 31347
STG adjustment -> function 10
Select (15) Access Control 2-drawdown at Rueckwaertsfahrt (17!!!!) DONE,BUT FIRST ENABLE IN DRIVER DOOR STG 42 !!!
Value to active (active) set to disable Display menu item in the radio / navigation system, so you are even able in future the function to activate or: additionally possible
Select (20) Access Control 2 Menu Control drawdown

4. Adaptation of Hill Start Assistant
In the control unit of the electronic brake system you have the option of the VW Passat B8 adjust the hill start assistant. Thus you can customize the startup behavior accordingly.
The following code is to be applied:
Select STG 03 (brake electronics)
STG adjustment -> function 10
Select Berganfahrassistent
worth adjust accordingly (default: Normal) DONE-'EARLY'

5. Enable display of the onboard computer Nachtankmenge
In control of Gert panel (instrument cluster) you have the option at the VW Passat B8 to enable the presentation of Nachtankmenge board computer. This entry gives you information how many liters of fuel can be refueled.
The following code is to be applied:
Select STG 17 (switchboard)
STG Lange Coding -> Function 07
Bye 10
Enable Bit 4 DONE !!!

6. Display of the fan speed in AUTO mode of air conditioning
In the climate control unit gives you the option for the new VW Passat B8 to enable the display of fan speed in AUTO mode. Once activated, the current fan speed thus is shown in AUTO mode using the LED display. (By default, the LED display appears only with manual setting of the fan speed)
The following code is to be applied:
STG £ 08 (Air)
STG coding -> function 07
Byte 11
Bit 6 - active Geläsestufe in auto mode - Enable. DONE!!!

7. Automatic activation of the CH / LH function
In the network control unit gives you the option when the VW Passat B8 Coming Home (CH) and Leaving Home (LH) switch function, so that will be activated automatically, without having to actuate the light switch.
The following code is to be applied:
Select STG 09 (vehicle power)
STG Access Permission -> Function 16
Enter unlock code 31347
STG adjustment -> function 10
(1) Comfort Lighting Coming Home Select Verbaustatus
Value to automatically adjust default: manually  DONE!!!

8. Possibility to deactivate the daytime running lights in the CAR Menu
In the network control unit gives you the option when VW Passat B8 to activate the eligibility of the daytime running lights in the Car Menu (Setup). They are able to activate the daytime running lights in the own or to disable.
The following code is to be applied:
Select STG 09 (vehicle power)
STG Access Permission -> Function 16
Enter unlock code 31347
STG adjustment -> function 10
Select Daytime running lights daytime running lights activated by bath or Operating sequence possible
Adjust Value on active. DONE!!!!

9. Adjust consumption display (FIS)
In the instrument cluster control unit gives you the option when VW Passat B8 adjust the consumption indicator. If you deviate in the consumption shown on the FIS (opposite tank document) you can here perform an adaptation by Percentage
The following code is to be applied:
Select STG 17 (combination instrument)
STG adjustment -> function 10
Select Adjust Display correction consumption and range
The base value is 100
now you can all in 1% steps adjust, the respective maximum values are 85 (%) and 115 (%).  DONE
10. Adjusting the speed threshold for activating the Abbiegelichtes fog lamps
In the network control unit gives you the option when Passat B8 the rate thresholds for the switching on of the fog lights on Abbiegelichtes (NSW) adapt. Unless you have the Abbieglicht enabled, so you can adjust the speed values still want according to your. By default, the cornering light up to 32 km / h is activated, if you can modify the entries corr. Hence eg to 50 km / h effected activation.
The following code is to be applied:
Select STG 09 (vehicle power)
STG Access Permission -> Function 16
Enter unlock code 31347
STG adjustment -> function 10
Channel (3) Select a static cornering light lower speed threshold
Corresponding value adjust default: 0 km / h Note: If the value of the statement Abbieglicht is thus deactivated and activated until the set speed acc in the state.
Channel (4) Select a static cornering light-upper speed threshold
Value adjust accordingly Default: 32 km / h. Note: It makes sense probably up to 50 km / h (urban) because otherwise corr steering also on the road, the cornering light is activated. DONE TO 50KMH !!!

11. Increasing the Coming Home light duration
In the network control unit gives you the option of the VW Passat B8 to increase the burn time of the Coming Home function. Factory setting up a maximum of 30 seconds is possible. This can be increased up to 90 seconds on the following adjustment.
The following code is to be applied:
Select STG 09 (vehicle power)
STG Access Permission -> Function 16
Enter unlock code 31347
STG adjustment -> function 10
Select (3) Comfort illumination Menu Setting Coming Home
Adjust Value accordingly as desired default value: 30 seconds - Range: 0 to 90 seconds. DONE

12. Selection of drive profile (Mode button)
Who is steering too light, this "sporty" encode without FPA.
STG 44
(Login Code: 19249)
Personalization ->
Nr. 1 - Characteristics of the steering assistance
Comfort: steering is smoother / more comfortable
Automatic: Steering unchanged to Default
Dynamics: Steering is sluggish / sporting
(Default: "button for operation Profile Selection"). DONE TO COMFORT!!!

13. Activation of the horn acknowledgment at DWA + during locking and unlocking of the vehicle:
STG09> Access Privileges: "Select Unlock (1) feedback signals-Acoustic feedback" 31347> Adjustment> Channel> Set value to "Yes"
"Select a lock (2) feedback signals-Acoustic feedback" 31347> Adjustment> Channel> Set value to "Yes": STG09> Access Privileges
STG09> Access Privileges: 31347> Adjustment> Channel "(7) -Rückmeldungssignale menu control acoustic feedback"> Set value to "Yes"
"Global (8) -Rückmeldungssignale-Acoustic feedback" set 31347> Adjustment> Channel> value to "Yes": STG09> Access Privileges. DONE!!!

14. Auto Hold settings:
STG03> Adjustment> Channel 'Auto Hold function state ">
1. Last setting (factory state, active / inactive is controlled via buttons in the center console)
2. Never active
3. Always active DONE TO ALWAYS ACTIVE!!!

15. Adaptation of Auto Hold Assistant
In the control unit of the electronic brake system you have the option of the VW Passat B8 adjust the auto hold assistant. Thus you can customize the startup behavior accordingly.
The following code is to be applied:
Select STG 03 (brake electronics)
STG adjustment -> function 10
Select Dynamic starting assist
worth adjust accordingly (default: Normal) DONE-'EARLY'

16. XDS adjustment
Select STG 03 (brake electronics)
Access code 20103
STG adjustment -> function 10
Select Expanded differential electronic lock
Adjust as you wish. DONE TO STRONG!!!

nekoi sto gi napraviv,ama od nekoja pricina ne rabotat
17. Enable function of rain closing
In the network control unit you have the option of the VW Passat B8 to activate the function of closure rain. The windows and the panoramic roof are In verbautem rain sensor Thus, in a sealed vehicle and activated rain sensor automatically closed. The operation can be enabled or disabled as the CAR Menu when the acc. Entry is activated.
The following code is to be applied:
Select STG 09 (vehicle power)
STG Access Permission -> Function 16
Enter unlock code 31347
STG adjustment -> function 10
(14) Select Access Control 2-rain Close
Adjust Value on permanently.

(26) Access Control 2 Menu Control Select rain Close
Adjust Value on active

Select STG 09 (vehicle power)
Select RLS (rain and light sensor) - STG
Byte 0
Enable Bit 1
Enable Bit 2  DONE!!!

Automatic lock, seal off, lock the vehicle
In the control unit for access and start authorization, you have the option of the VW Passat B8 unless the KESSY system is installed, to automatically verriegelen the vehicle when you leave this key together. The function of this Aussenspiegelanlappung is not driven and must possibly. Still done manually via the key if necessary.
The following code is to be applied:
STG £ 05 (entry / start authorization)
STG Lange Coding -> Function 07
Bye 2
Enable Bit 4 DOES NOT WORK!!!

i ovie sto nikako nemozam da gi enable
Activation of the Laptimer
In the dash panel insert (KI) gives you the option when VW Passat B8 activate the lap timer. In FIS (Driver Information System) can be as the new menu level selected lap timer and lap counter are serviced as required.
The following code is to be applied:
Select STG 17 (dash panel insert)
STG Lange Coding -> Function 07
Byte 1
Enable Bit 3. CODING REJECTED!!!

Enable Pointer Test / pointer deflection / Staging
In dash panel insert gives you the option when VW Passat B8 to activate a link test / staging. With ignition on so all pointers go back in KI briefly stop and return to the start position.
The following code is to be applied:
Select STG 17 (switchboard)
STG coding -> function 10
Byte 1
Enable Bit 0  CODING REJECTED!!! error 81

Activation of the fog lights (NSW) for LED Daytime Running Lights
In the network control unit gives you the option for the new VW Passat B8 Fog lights (NSW) for LED Daytime Running Lights to activate. Thus, the fog lights are switched on in active status light (as with halogen headlights and halogen daytime running lights).
The following code is to be applied:
Select STG 09 (vehicle power)
STG Access Permission -> Function 16
Enter access code 31347
STG adjustment -> function 10
Channel (5) -Leuchte12NL LB45 Light Function B 12 select
(Lights Index: Left fog light headlights)
Adjust value than daytime running lights
Channel (4) -Leuchte13NL RB5 light function B 13 select
(Lights Index: Right fog light headlights)
Adjust value than daytime running lights. WORKS,BUT NOT DONE!!!

Disable seat belt reminders in Virtual Cockpit
In the dash panel insert (KI) gives you the option for the new VW Passat B8 the seat belt reminders in verbautem Virtual Cockpit or Active Info Display (AID) as well as disable the conventional instrument cluster with hardware Skalenu. The optical and acoustic indicator in the instrument cluster or in the Virtual Cockpit is thus turned off.
The following code is to be applied:
Select STG 17 (dash panel insert)
STG coding -> function 07
Byte 0

LED daytime running lights dimming when blinking:
STG09> Access Privileges: 31347> Adjustment> channel "(12) -Leuchte2SL VL B10
Light Function E2 "> to" flashing active links (both phases) "setting (factory setting:" Inactive ")
STG09> Access Privileges: 31347> Adjustment> channel "(14) -Leuchte2SL VL B10
Dimming EF2 "> Set% value; lowest accepted value 25% (factory setting: 0%)!
STG09> Access Privileges: 31347> Adjustment> channel "(15) -Leuchte2SL VL B10
Dimming Direction EF2 ">" Minimize "set (factory setting:" Maximize ")
STG09> Access Privileges: 31347> Adjustment> channel "(12) -Leuchte3SL VR B21
Light Function E3 "> to" flashing CW active (both phases) "setting (factory setting:" Inactive ")
STG09> Access Privileges: 31347> Adjustment> channel "(14) -Leuchte3SL VR B21
Dimming EF3 "> Set% value; lowest accepted value 25% (factory setting: 0%)!
STG09> Access Privileges: 31347> Adjustment> channel "(15) -Leuchte3SL VR B21
Dimming Direction EF3 ">" Minimize "set (factory setting:" Maximize ")

i na kraj,seuste baram po net kako da enable voice control i mirror link.ovie dve i XDS bea najgolemata pricina zaso zemav VCDS kabelot.
prethodnive se kompilacija od drugite postari vozila od MBQ platformata
VW Passat 2.0TDI 2015
Skoda Fabia 1.2TSI 110PS DSG7 2016
Honda SH150i  2020

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Одг: VW Passat 2.0TDI 150PS B8 2015
« Одговори #72 на: 17 Септември 2015, 02:35:28 am »
dvata bandazi projdoa carina,slednite dva za 6 nedeli. DTUK boxot isto stigna i e instlairan. dyno slednata nedela da vidime dali baba laze ili na.

VW Passat 2.0TDI 2015
Skoda Fabia 1.2TSI 110PS DSG7 2016
Honda SH150i  2020

Отсутен Banzai

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Одг: VW Passat 2.0TDI 150PS B8 2015
« Одговори #73 на: 17 Септември 2015, 09:38:44 am »
Бела чарапа на бел бандаж одлично иде! ;D

Ајде уште малце па да видиме како ќе легнат бандажите :)
За вкусовите не се дискутира, по нив се плука.

Отсутен cuoresportivo159

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Одг: VW Passat 2.0TDI 150PS B8 2015
« Одговори #74 на: 17 Септември 2015, 18:07:59 pm »
Колку плати давачки?
Alfa Romeo 166 is one of only three cars that have "that special thing" !!! 