Q: Why do Opels have heated rear windows?
A: To keep your hands warm when you're pushing them.
Q: What's the difference between an Opel and the principal's office?
A: It’s less embarrassing if your friends see you leaving the principal's office.
Q: What goes on pages 4-5 of the Opel user's manual?
A: The train and bus schedule.
Q: What is the sport-version of an Opel?
A: The driver wears Nike shoes.
Q: How do you make a Rolls Royce leak oil?
A: Stick an Opel badge onto it.
Q: What do you call an Opel at the top of a hill?
A: A miracle.
Q: What do you call an Opel with dual exhausts?
A: A wheelbarrow.
Q: How do you double the value of an Opel?
A: Half fill it with petrol.
Q: What do you call an Opel with brakes?
A: Customized
Q: What do you have to do if your Opel gets in the way of a Swarm of killer bees?
A: Stop pushing and take refuge in the car.
Q: What is the Opel owner's most ardent wish?
A: To buy a car.
Q: What do you call a Opel with a seat belt?
A: A rucksack.
Q: How do you make an Opel go faster downhill?
A: Turn off the engine.