Автор Тема: Formula 1 - Season 2015  (Прочитано 130475 пати)

Отсутен Vasil

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Одг: Formula 1 - Season 2015
« Одговори #15 на: 26 Декември 2014, 23:54:35 pm »

“Let Ricciardo win another one and I’ll break the other arm.”

Отсутен Pal Zileri

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Одг: Formula 1 - Season 2015
« Одговори #16 на: 29 Декември 2014, 02:12:43 am »
Најинтересните радио пораки за изминатава сезона: http://en.espnf1.com/f1/motorsport/story/188021.html

Замисли како би ни изгледале колите по форумов да имавме нормални 5000еур месечна плата by Deni

Отсутен Vasil

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Одг: Formula 1 - Season 2015
« Одговори #17 на: 05 Јануари 2015, 17:19:02 pm »
Конечно се договорија за хомологацијата на моторите. Дозволените измени за оваа сезона ќе можат да ги воведат кога сакаат, се разбира без да го надминат лимитот од 4 мотори по возач.

Хонда ќе мора да ја заврши хомологацијата пред стартот на сезоната, затоа што е нов производител и нема на што да надградува.

Mercedes' rivals Ferrari and Renault pushed hard in late-2014 for F1's engine freeze to be eased to give them more time to introduce much-needed upgrades, rather than having to complete all changes to a pre-season deadline.

But with Mercedes standing firm and refusing to concede much ground, it appeared that Ferrari and Renault's hopes of extra time were dashed.

However, as AUTOSPORT first revealed in December, the situation changed dramatically when it was suggested to the FIA that the engine rules did not actually stipulate when a final engine had to be lodged for 2015.

Although the FIA had always been under the impression that new engines would have to be homologated for the first race, this was never explicitly laid down in the rules.


It means that manufacturers now have the option of introducing upgrades to their engines throughout the season - as long as they stick to the 32 development token limit that is laid down within the rules and do not exceed the four-engine per car limit for the campaign.

In a note that was sent from the FIA's Charlie Whiting to all teams over the Christmas period, it was made clear that the upgrades would be allowed to come on tap at any point over 2015.


"The basic homologated power unit will remain that which was homologated for the 2014 season, including any changes made in accordance with paragraph 1 (c) of appendix 4 [of the sporting regulations]."


Отсутен marjanot

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Одг: Formula 1 - Season 2015
« Одговори #18 на: 13 Јануари 2015, 12:00:10 pm »

Отсутен Cuore Sportivo

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Одг: Formula 1 - Season 2015
« Одговори #19 на: 13 Јануари 2015, 15:35:54 pm »
Добар !

Отсутен Tischläufer

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Одг: Formula 1 - Season 2015
« Одговори #20 на: 13 Јануари 2015, 19:17:40 pm »

Отсутен ARMEX

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Одг: Formula 1 - Season 2015
« Одговори #21 на: 13 Јануари 2015, 19:32:52 pm »
Ку*ац добар, одличен!

Отсутен Vasil

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Одг: Formula 1 - Season 2015
« Одговори #22 на: 17 Јануари 2015, 15:22:30 pm »
Пак измени во правилата. Дозволено им е и на Хонда да вршат подобрувања на моторот сред сезона. Колку ќе смеат да променат ќе зависи од тоа колку останатите производители ќе си остават за чачкање низ сезоната. Праведно решение според мене.

Mercedes, Renault and Ferrari are allowed to change up to 48% of the engines they used in 2014 by the end of the 2015 season.

This is defined by a number of 'tokens', which are assigned to parts of the engine on the basis of their influence on performance.

Out of a total of 66 tokens, Mercedes, Renault and Ferrari can modify 32 through 2015.

Previously Honda had been barred from changing any of its engine after it was approved for competition on 28 February.

Friday's ruling will allow Honda to change a given amount of its engine calculated by the average of the number of tokens unused by the other manufacturers by the time of the first race in Australia on 16 March.

In the example given by FIA race director Charlie Whiting, and seen by BBC Sport, he writes: "If the three 2014 manufacturers have eight, seven and five unused tokens respectively at the start of the season, then the new manufacturer will be allowed to use six during the season (the average rounded down to the nearest whole number)".


Отсутен Vasil

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Одг: Formula 1 - Season 2015
« Одговори #23 на: 20 Јануари 2015, 20:27:54 pm »

Отсутен Vasil

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Одг: Formula 1 - Season 2015
« Одговори #24 на: 21 Јануари 2015, 13:27:49 pm »
Излегоа уште неколку официјални рендери од Вилијамс:

WILLIAMS MARTINI RACING has revealed the first images of its 2015 car, the Williams Mercedes FW37 on the front cover of Haymarket’s F1 Racing Magazine. Following on from a successful season in 2014 Williams hopes the FW37 can continue the positive momentum into another competitive season of racing.

‘The notion for the FW37 was to look closely at the FW36 and its performances,’ says WILLIAMS MARTINI RACING Chief Technical Officer Pat Symonds. ‘We then went about recognising what had worked well and identifying and resolving the areas that we felt needed to be improved. Although the aerodynamics of the car were impressive there is always room for improvement particularly as we handle the new 2015 nose regulations ’

The design of the FW37 has stemmed from the performance of the FW36 but the conceptual ideas came long before the 2014 successes.

‘The first conceptual stage of the FW37 came before the FW36 had turned a wheel. The main element to this is understanding the rule changes and how they will affect the design of the car, from here we can start see if our ideas will fit within the regulations.’

The performance of the FW36 in 2014 saw the team move forward from ninth in the Constructors’ Championship to third, obtaining nine podiums throughout the season and a front row lockout at the Austrian Grand Prix.

‘The desire to beat Ferrari to third place in the Constructors’ in 2014 meant we pushed our development through to late autumn, but the size of the team is now at a point where it was able to sustain this development whilst still working on the FW37.’

With the regulations relatively stable from 2014 the team went about developing the FW36 with the additional changes necessary to meet the 2015 rules.

‘We felt we came up against design barriers in the FW36 and so took the opportunity to remove those barriers for the benefit of the performance. The FW36 carried a reasonable amount of ballast, so we were able to make alterations to the design for added performance without the fear of adding excessive mass.’

The layout phase of the car was completed by the summer break in August, with work on the new front bulkhead a main priority for the designers and aerodynamicists as the changes to the regulations had their effects on the car.

‘The change in regulations offered us a slight headache. The new front bulkhead and nose geometry had much more of an impact than we had initially anticipated and the effect on the aero was profound. The team have worked hard on pulling back the deficit these regulations have made for us.’

After a strong 2014 the team has aims to continue improving in pursuit of podium finishes throughout the 2015 season.

‘The more rule stability there is, the closer the field gets. I hope as a team we are more capable of maintaining the forward momentum to catch Mercedes, than the teams behind us are of catching us. It’s not just about stable regulations but also about the team and every individual that works here moving forward and improving.’

Frank Williams, Team Principal concluded ‘The team had a fantastic season last year, we are aiming to replicate this development over the winter and to start the 2015 season in a strong position. We have an enormously talented group of people here at Williams who want nothing more than the team to do well. This passion produced a great turn around in fortunes for the team in 2014 and everybody has worked tirelessly to continue that climb up the grid.’

‘We have added a few more high profile names to accompany the incredibly supportive group of partners we have,’ Frank Williams added. ‘After a very strong first year with Mercedes we are looking to further develop the relationship as we look for more podiums in 2015. I feel this year will be equally as exciting as the last and look forward to seeing the car on the grid at the first race.’

Отсутен Vasil

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  • Пораки: 3759
Одг: Formula 1 - Season 2015
« Одговори #25 на: 21 Јануари 2015, 18:56:45 pm »
Индијциве ќе го пропуштат првиот тест. Викаат дека ова не е финалниот облик, само да се пофалат со новите бои и спонзори

Отсутен Vasil

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Одг: Formula 1 - Season 2015
« Одговори #26 на: 22 Јануари 2015, 00:26:28 am »
Моторот на Ферари од минатата сезона:

Отсутен Power to the people

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Одг: Formula 1 - Season 2015
« Одговори #27 на: 22 Јануари 2015, 09:44:42 am »
Со промена на правилата, Вилијамс успеа погрд нос од ланскиот да напрај. (little wiener)

Отсутен Vasil

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Одг: Formula 1 - Season 2015
« Одговори #28 на: 26 Јануари 2015, 15:22:41 pm »
Станува интересно  ;D


Ферари го објавија името на новиот модел

Отсутен Fic_CC

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Одг: Formula 1 - Season 2015
« Одговори #29 на: 26 Јануари 2015, 16:36:05 pm »
Добро изгледа лотусов. Кога е првата трка?