nemet nisto cisti se ko prviot den ...mislam da ne e od tepmeraturnava razlika...
do sega citav na net ...navodno treba da izbegavam zavesi i venecijanki a moite se stalno posle 17-00 zatvoreni pa ke probam i toa iako imase sovet za ventilator na plafon....
Windows are VERY POOR INSULATORS (see note below). The air near the window will be cooler than that in the rest of the sun room simply because of the high rate of heat loss through the window. So, the inner pane of glass is colder than the rest of the room, and condensation forms on that glass. Also, convection plays a part. Air right in front of a window cools and sinks. That's why the condensation typically forms at the bottom of the window; that's where the air is coldest and can hold the least amount of moisture in suspension
Warm air can hold more water vapor than cold air. If the air in most of your house is pretty warm in most places, all the water in the air stays as a vapor. But the air that is touching your windows becomes chilled by the cold glass, which causes some of the vapor to settle out on the window pane. As the air in the room circulates over the windows, more and more water vapor condenses out on the window pane, eventually producing drops or puddles.
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