Саухот е изваден никогас и не е ставен и некојпат пак работи на повисоки вртежи во место без саух.Проверени се сите цевки кои прават вакум, се е во ред а тод џиџи што ми го кажа мислам дека ако не сака никогаш да пали а јас кажав дека само кога загрева не пали.
Не е така simonx, еве кога не пали ... :
Engine turns but won't start
1)No fuel pressure;
Test the fuel pump and pre-pump and do a fuel pressure and volume test.
2)Jammed and/or sticking airflow sensor;
Remove the boot that goes to the intake and loosen the center line on fuel distributor.This will relieve
the control pressure.Press down on the center bolt of
the plate and you should feel no resistance or binding.Also check that the rest height and centering are correct.
3)Auxillary valve is sticking;
4)Defective cold start injector;
If the injector does not function,the air-fuel ratio will be lean,preventing easy start up.
5)Shorted or defective thermo time switch;
The cold start injector will not work if the thermo
time switch is defective.Check this in the event that your cold start injector does not function before replacing.
6)Control plunger sticking;
Remove the fuel distributor from the airflow sensor and check to see if it moves freely.
7)Restricted injectors;
For this to be the cause,they would have to be severely restricted,which is why I listed it last.Do
an injector flow test and ensure that the delivery is
near equal.