Автор Тема: Домашни Миленици  (Прочитано 766511 пати)

Отсутен velestrumf

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Одг: Домашни Миленици
« Одговори #3390 на: 12 Јануари 2015, 15:05:01 pm »
Ќе го оставам песот да седи дома (имам чувано неколку дома), ама никогаш нема да го оставам онака да му диши и да му се лигуши на децата на лице. Колку и да е дома чуван, пазен и мазен тој ќе има еден куп бактерии во устата и општо.

Не мораш, твое право е до каде ќе ги поставиш границите на движење на миленикот (во случајов куче).

Успут еве што има по нетов за таа проблематика:

Health concerns for parents of children with dogs

Dogs and people live happily together with a very small risk of infections being transmitted back and forth. However, there are a few special considerations with children. Obviously rabies and dog bites are concerns, and it goes without saying, that all dogs should be vaccinated for rabies, especially dogs that are around children. If you have a dog that does not have a valid rabies certificate of vaccination and it bites a child, be prepared for the very expensive health and legal consequences that will ensue. Your dog should also be current on all recommended vaccines. Children can contract roundworms or hookworms from dog feces, so make sure your puppy and adult dog are de-wormed on a regular basis.

Fleas and ticks can travel from dogs to children, so make sure your dog is protected with a flea and tick preventative. The once-a-month topicals offer excellent protection and are safe if used according to directions. On my own dog, I apply a monthly topical agent at night, after the kids are in bed. I put ten to twelve small 'stripes' down my dog's back to speed absorption, and I try not to let the kids play with the dog the next day. Of course it is a good idea to always have your children wash their hands after playing with the dog.

Allergies affect many children, so keeping the dog out of the children’s sleeping area is always a good idea if your child is prone to allergies.

As a final note in the health section, I want to remind parents that I personally recommend that a dog and small child are never left alone unattended. Even the oldest, sweetest most passive dog and the best-behaved child cannot completely be trusted alone. I have witnessed first hand many instances where a loving child or dog was injured when left unsupervised.


The real truth about sleeping with your dog

Unfortunately, letting your dog sleep in your bed may actually be bad for you. Many dogs have sleep habits that can interrupt your sleep cycle, which can cause you to be cranky the next morning, lower your immune responses and impact your health in other ways.

Additionally, pets carry allergens. Whether or not you’re actually allergic to pet dander, you pup goes outside to go to the bathroom, get exercise and generally just have fun. And while he’s out there, he’s exposed to a number of things you could be allergic too, not the least of which is pollen, which will stick in his fur, which he subsequently brings to the bed, which could aggravate your symptoms.

Dr. Bruno Chomel, a professor at the University of California - Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, told AOL News that there’s also the risk of the transmission of life-threatening infections like plague, internal parasites and other serious diseases. “We wanted to raise the attention of people, as sleeping with a pet is becoming quite common, and there are risks associated with it, even if it is not very frequent,” he said. “But when it occurs, especially in children or immunocompromised people, it can be very severe.”


Healthy pets carry little risk
But everyone needs to make like a cat and relax. That’s because the important message is pretty simple: Healthy pets carry little risk of disease.

The American Veterinary Medical Association doesn’t have a formal recommendation about pets sleeping with their humans. But “a little common sense will go a long way,” in reducing risk, says AVMA president Larry Kornegay, who affirms that zoonotic diseases are “uncommon, if not rare.”

“I’ve been in practice for 40 years and I see the bond between people and their pets and the positive effects pets can have on humans, which I believe outweighs any risk, whether you sleep with a pet or not,” says Kornegay, who admits his own teenage daughter sleeps with the family’s miniature Schnauzer.

Common-sense approaches include regular wellness exams for pets, parasite control, vaccinations appropriate for your geographical area, and dental care. “If people would remember to wash their hands, that would help, too,” Kornegay says.

So, obviously scrub up with soap and running water if you’ve handled feces, and do it again if you’ve handled your pet and plan on preparing food. Wash bites and scratches immediately and cover sandboxes when not in use. Try and keep your animals from drinking from toilet bowls or eating feces. And be good to your pets, by keeping outdoor areas feces-free and kitty’s litter box clean.

What’s clear is that it’s unlikely that people are going to kick their pets out of their bed. “I’m not going to put on a biohazard suit every night,” says Joseph Doles, a Cleveland veterinarian, who has six cats, some of which snooze with him and his wife.

Doles has seen "a few cases" of zoonoses during his three decades of practice and agrees that common sense and veterinary care will “further reduce an already rare risk.”

“If you have a healthy pet, you probably have a healthy family,” he says.


Which brings us to dogs. Could all that slush they walk through and bring into bed at this time of year be a risk to health as well as to housekeeping?

“I’d say, just wipe them down and you’ll be fine,” said Lucy O’Byrne, a veterinarian at the West Village Veterinary Hospital in Manhattan. “As long as you have good flea and tick control, and keep your pet healthy the way most people do, you don’t have to worry.”

DR. CHOMEL, author of the C.D.C. study, doesn’t disagree. There is far more risk, he warned, with pet licks and kisses. If you have a wound or if your immune system is compromised, licking should be avoided. (Meaning, don’t let the dog lick you — the hazards involved in the other way around have not been researched.) It’s also not good for babies. And there have been cases of animals spreading resistant strains of staph infections and other diseases by licking cuts and wounds after surgery, so it’s not recommended that pets be allowed in bed then.


This is just one more reason why I’m proud to have attended the New York   State College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University. Were they that desperate to publish a study that this was the best idea they could come up with? Let’s use some common sense here. The authors worked hard to find examples of people who have suffered, some dying, as a result of their pet sleeping in bed with them. These researchers combed through medical journals to find examples of pets making people ill after sharing a bed. Many of the cases cited are decades old. There is no epidemic. There never has been. The risk is phenomenally overblown and exaggerated.

I’ve personally been in practice for 30 years (15,000 office visits yearly x 30 = almost half a million) and I have never encountered a single client that has  become seriously ill as a result of sleeping with their pets. I believe that the human-animal bond and the positive effects pets can have on humans outweigh any risk, whether you sleep with your pet or not. I would bet many of the dogs and cats entering my veterinary hospital are a lot cleaner than a many of the humans I come in contact with during the day. The message these doctors would like to send is get your pets off the bed and you’re safe from intestinal parasites or zoonotic disease. That’s simply not true. The truth is that it’s far more likely to get a disease or illness from your human sleeping partner than from a pet who happens to share your bed. You just have to trust me on this one.

So what is a pet owner to do? Take the same basic precautions with your pet   that you already (we hope) take with yourself. Common-sense approaches include regular wellness exams for pets, parasite control, vaccinations appropriate for your geographical area, regular bathing and dental care. These simple acts will significantly minimize the risk of disease transmission between pet and owner. If people would remember to wash their hands, that would help, too. So, obviously scrub up with soap and running water if you’ve handled feces, and do it again if you’ve handled your pet and plan on preparing food. It goes without saying that extra precautions are necessary if you or someone else in the household is debilitated or immune-compromised.

As a final note, I’ve been sleeping with dogs and cats for my entire life, let alone being kissed and slobbered on by thousands of my clients’ pets throughout the years and I have never contracted any disease or illness. As a   matter of fact, I’d rather have my dog's kiss me than some random person; at   least I know where my dogs have been - if you know what I mean.

« Последно менување: 12 Јануари 2015, 15:45:39 pm velestrumf »
The numbers thing, the how-fast-can-we-drag-race-a-bunch-of-cars, is the realm of people who think more is better, not better is better. - Matt Hardigree, Jalopnik.

Отсутен DejzY

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« Одговори #3391 на: 12 Јануари 2015, 17:26:42 pm »
Не требало толку линкови да бараш за да ми докажиш, јас само го кажав моето мислење :) и како јас (не) би постапувал.

Отсутен velestrumf

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« Одговори #3392 на: 13 Јануари 2015, 00:53:44 am »
Не ти докажувам ништо, нити па планирам да те убедувам во нешто, не гледам поента во такво нешто, па затоа и овој одговор:

Ќе го оставам песот да седи дома (имам чувано неколку дома), ама никогаш нема да го оставам онака да му диши и да му се лигуши на децата на лице. Колку и да е дома чуван, пазен и мазен тој ќе има еден куп бактерии во устата и општо.

Не мораш, твое право е до каде ќе ги поставиш границите на движење на миленикот (во случајов куче).

Текстовите и линковите се во случај ако некој сака да прочита нешто повеќе во врска со конкретната тема.

Што кажува изборот на вашето куче за вас?

Cesar's Way
« Последно менување: 13 Јануари 2015, 15:45:34 pm velestrumf »
The numbers thing, the how-fast-can-we-drag-race-a-bunch-of-cars, is the realm of people who think more is better, not better is better. - Matt Hardigree, Jalopnik.

Присутен dreamson

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« Одговори #3393 на: 13 Јануари 2015, 20:24:53 pm »

Отсутен NUME

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Отсутен velestrumf

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« Одговори #3395 на: 14 Јануари 2015, 10:58:24 am »

Пружена шанса? Искористи ја!! :D
The numbers thing, the how-fast-can-we-drag-race-a-bunch-of-cars, is the realm of people who think more is better, not better is better. - Matt Hardigree, Jalopnik.

Отсутен Cuore Sportivo

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« Одговори #3396 на: 14 Јануари 2015, 12:40:22 pm »
Да натрти некој вака некоја кучка одма за неарен ќе го сметаат.. :D

Отсутен Allexxander

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« Одговори #3397 на: 14 Јануари 2015, 16:05:57 pm »

Отсутен Tischläufer

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« Одговори #3398 на: 14 Јануари 2015, 22:06:44 pm »

Отсутен DayWalker

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« Одговори #3399 на: 14 Јануари 2015, 22:09:06 pm »

Отсутен velestrumf

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« Одговори #3400 на: 15 Јануари 2015, 15:11:52 pm »
The numbers thing, the how-fast-can-we-drag-race-a-bunch-of-cars, is the realm of people who think more is better, not better is better. - Matt Hardigree, Jalopnik.

Отсутен velestrumf

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« Одговори #3401 на: 16 Јануари 2015, 15:56:36 pm »
Убаини (пак) :)

The numbers thing, the how-fast-can-we-drag-race-a-bunch-of-cars, is the realm of people who think more is better, not better is better. - Matt Hardigree, Jalopnik.

Отсутен onak

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Одг: Домашни Миленици
« Одговори #3402 на: 18 Јануари 2015, 00:45:21 am »

кликни на било кој, нема да утнеш, сите водат на исто место, во исто време

Отсутен Fic_CC

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Одг: Домашни Миленици
« Одговори #3403 на: 19 Јануари 2015, 21:52:41 pm »

Отсутен velestrumf

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Одг: Домашни Миленици
« Одговори #3404 на: 21 Јануари 2015, 12:35:55 pm »
The numbers thing, the how-fast-can-we-drag-race-a-bunch-of-cars, is the realm of people who think more is better, not better is better. - Matt Hardigree, Jalopnik.