Јебига, 78-71...
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НЕреализирани напади во кои не постигнавме кош...
Е па сами им се натртивме на судиите...
Правилникот на Фиба вика:
31.2.4 Interference occurs when:
• After a shot for a field goal or the last or only free throw a player touches the
basket or the backboard while the ball is in contact with the ring.
• After a free throw followed by an additional free throw(s), a player touches the
ball, the basket or the backboard while there is still a possibility that the ball will
enter the basket.
• A player reaches through the basket from below and touches the ball.
• A defensive player touches the ball or the basket while the ball is within the
basket, thus preventing the ball from passing through the net.
A player causes the basket to vibrate or grasps the basket in such a way that, in
the judgement of an official, the ball has been prevented from entering the
basket or has been caused to enter the basket.• A player grasps the basket to play the ball.
Се остава на субјективноста на судијата да процени дали топката ке завршела во кошот...
Значи, не секој допир со мрежа е кош...