Автор Тема: Samsung Galaxy A32 Blue  (Прочитано 883 пати)

Отсутен Boshe

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Samsung Galaxy A32 Blue
« на: 03 Јули 2021, 18:34:26 pm »
Продавам Samsung A32 Blue, нов не уклучен. Купен од А1, гаранција 2 години без 2,3 дена.

Цена : 14.500 денари.

Sent from my Samsung S20 FE

Remember to keep yourself alive, there is nothing more important than that

Отсутен Boshe

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  • Пораки: 5200
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Одг: Samsung Galaxy A32 Blue
« Одговори #1 на: 06 Јули 2021, 00:04:21 am »
14.000 денари.

Sent from my Samsung S20 FE

Remember to keep yourself alive, there is nothing more important than that

Отсутен Boshe

  • Сениор
  • ****
  • Пораки: 5200
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Одг: Samsung Galaxy A32 Blue
« Одговори #2 на: 08 Јули 2021, 16:01:12 pm »
13.500 денари.

Sent from my Samsung S20 FE

Remember to keep yourself alive, there is nothing more important than that

Отсутен Boshe

  • Сениор
  • ****
  • Пораки: 5200
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Одг: Samsung Galaxy A32 Blue
« Одговори #3 на: 10 Јули 2021, 16:42:43 pm »
Продаден, клуч!

Sent from my Samsung S20 FE

Remember to keep yourself alive, there is nothing more important than that