Автор Тема: Volvo V50 2.0 Дизел  (Прочитано 1988 пати)

Отсутен riki_staff

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Volvo V50 2.0 Дизел
« на: 29 Април 2016, 12:49:18 pm »
Мислење Volvo V50 со мотор 2.0 дизел 100kw модел 2005

Sent from my E2003 using Tapatalk

Отсутен pirat_07

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Одг: Volvo V50 2.0 Дизел
« Одговори #1 на: 29 Април 2016, 21:17:53 pm »
Добро забрзува, ако е тоа...

Отсутен Bokica

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Одг: Volvo V50 2.0 Дизел
« Одговори #2 на: 30 Април 2016, 01:34:45 am »
Дискрипшн : Just a quick test. Volvo v50 2.0tdi, 180bhp/350Nm
Understeer is when you hit the wall with the front of the car. Oversteer is when you hit the wall with the back of the car. Horsepower is how fast you hit the wall and torque is how far you send the wall across the field once youve hit it.