Да, за палење на моторот. Има финта на фиатовите возила, која дозволува палење и ако имобилајзерот не го препознал клучот (баш за вакви ситуации). Како што реков, фиатфорум е полн со информации, само треба дас е пребара:
The emergency start procedure for the Punto is probably the same as for the Stilo as follows:
Switch the ignition on (MAR position) but do not start the engine.
Hold the accelerator pedal down. The engine management warning light should illuminate for about 8 seconds then go out.
Release the accelerator pedal and get ready to count the flashes of the warning light.
Count the number of flashes that corresponds to the first digit of the securuty code, then press the accelerator until the warning light comes on for about 4 seconds and goes off, then release the pedal.
The warning light will start flashing again. After it has flashed the number of times that corresponds to the second digit of the code, press the pedal to the floor until the warning light comes on for about 4 seconds and goes off.
Repeat the same process for the remaining 3 digits of the code.
Rapid flashing of the warning light for about 4 seconds confirms that the procedure has been carried out successfully. The engine should start by turning the key from MAR to AVV.
If the warning light stays on, turn the ignition off and repeat the procedure from step 1.
This procedure will only start the engine once. If the engine is switched off, you will need to repeat the whole procedure to start it again.
The procedure will only work if your car has an immobiliser problem that's preventing it from starting.
Но ако ја нема картичката со код - се заебал! Набавка на нова - под услов ништо да не е чачкано со мотор/компјутер, кошта пари.
Има и мандраци низ градов кои го дисејблуваат имобилајзерот за малку пари па се` си функционира и без код, ама после може секој да ти ја украде колата.