Не си е тоа само кај нас. Тоа си е пракса секаде во светот.
"It does seem weird, but it's something that economists do expect and have studied for a long time," said Ben Storrow, a reporter for E&E News, a news outlet that covers energy.
When the price of crude oil rises, gas stations typically wait to hike their prices so as not to scare away customers.
"But then once they do start to raise prices, they raise them very quickly," Storrow explained to CBS News.
On the flip side, when the price of crude oil drops, gas stations lower prices gradually. That allows them to make a profit on the discrepancy between what they're paying and what they charge motorists, he added.
"When the price of crude starts to drop, they will lower the prices at the pump more slowly. That's actually where gas stations make most of their money," Storrow said.