Па купил некаков крш пасат со 450.000км од некој турчин мислејќи дека е со 150.000 и сега наоѓа начин како фрустрацијата да си ја излечи. Друго чаре нема.
Уствари мислам имаме и еден член тука на форумов познат по неговите постови што има пасат б8 со 1.6 тди.
"Производните линии што биле за пасат ги прешалтуваат за суперб" ....
ова со кило семки и горско пиво пред маало на другарчињата.
Ајде сега малце озбилни муабети, податоци за продадени автомобили во 2018
Skoda Superb
2018 74.697
VW Passat
2018 154.074
Веројатно бројкиве за 2019 и наредни години за овие два модели не верувам дека ќе оди многу нагоре, ќе стагнира и можеби ќе одат надоле пред се поради милиони модели што ги извадија кросовери и сувови.
https://www.waz-online.de/Nachrichten/Wirtschaft/Volkswagen-stellt-Bau-des-Passat-einOff for VW Passat - New plans for plants in Hanover and Emden
In the year 2022 should be finally final: Then Volkswagen stops the production of the Passat. In the future, Emden and Hanover are planning plans for e-cars.
The Volkswagen plants in Emden and Hanover are to become new locations for electric cars. According to HAZ information, the plans of the group are
to end the production of the Passat in Emden and to relocate parts of the van production from Hanover - presumably to the future partner Ford in Turkey. The final decisions will be made by the Supervisory Board on 16 November, said in Wolfsburg on Tuesday. Officially, Volkswagen did not want to comment. "No comment," said a corporate spokesman.
Already very concrete are the plans for Emden. Currently, in the factory founded in 1964, the Passat as a sedan and station wagon and the Coupe Arteon are built. Because the Passat is less and less popular because of the SUV boom, the plant comes this year to 19 days short-time work - instead of the originally targeted 251,000 cars run there by the end of December only 229,000 models from the tape. Just ten years ago, every fifth VW sold was a Passat, today it is only one in ten. Currently, the eighth generation is on the market, it will no longer be a successor, it said.
In 2022, the production of the Passat in Germany will expire.Aufwiedersehen Passat.
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Bujrum Passat, Turkwagen
https://www.tagesschau.de/investigativ/vw-werk-113.htmlIt has long been speculated - now it seems to boil down
to the fact that the new VW plant is built in Turkey - apparently after concessions from Ankara. Saudi Arabia and Bulgaria go empty-handed.
By Oliver Mayer-Rüth, ARD Studio Istanbul
The location of Manisa near Izmir is set, according to Berlin government circles. Volkswagen expects only from the Turkish state a concession in the extremely high consumption tax on new cars. This can be up to 41 percent of the total price for a Passat sedan, depending on engine power.
The decision for Turkey had fallen despite lower labor costs in Bulgaria. The main argument for Manisa is the Turkish market compared to Bulgaria. Wolfsburg expects to sell around 40,000 Passat sedans a year in Turkey alone.
The state is likely to lose a significant share of the trade, because the Passat is a car that is extremely popular with senior officials.
In addition to the Passat Skoda and Seat models are to be manufactured in the factory.