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Ќе си се пронајдат клаберите у текстов:https://www.sciencealert.com/anti-vaxxers-are-officially-contributing-to-one-of-the-most-dire-global-health-threats-in-2019ЦитатThis year, one of the biggest threats to humankind could be humanity itself.The World Health Organisation (WHO) has officially named the reluctance or downright refusal to vaccinate as one of the top ten greatest health challenges of 2019.The problem is known as "vaccine hesitancy", and it's a complex issue that can stem from a whole variety of roadblocks, including complacency about health care, inconvenience in accessing vaccines and poor confidence in the very nature of vaccines themselves.Yet unlike many of the other public health threats added to this list - such as air pollution, climate change and antibiotic resistance - this particular issue has a clear and effective solution. The main difficulty is convincing people of the facts.
This year, one of the biggest threats to humankind could be humanity itself.The World Health Organisation (WHO) has officially named the reluctance or downright refusal to vaccinate as one of the top ten greatest health challenges of 2019.The problem is known as "vaccine hesitancy", and it's a complex issue that can stem from a whole variety of roadblocks, including complacency about health care, inconvenience in accessing vaccines and poor confidence in the very nature of vaccines themselves.Yet unlike many of the other public health threats added to this list - such as air pollution, climate change and antibiotic resistance - this particular issue has a clear and effective solution. The main difficulty is convincing people of the facts.
Нема зошто да се убедуваат луѓе во факти, затоа се факти.
Ова е подугачко видео, не сум го видел. Цар е стариов.
Како ќе ги уништат до утре, кога печката за мед. отпад е во дефект (црнилата на клиповите биле од дупка во филтерот) некоја недела немало да работи.Опција 1 - Ново препакувањеОпција 2 - Ново загадување