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После 200 метра веќе полото ми е на 90 степени
E blaze si ti.. Moeto posle 2-3 kilometra e na 70 stepeni. Ama ne go vozam nad 1300-1400 vrt./min dodeka ne zakova temperatura na sredinata. Taka pisuvase vo knigata mislam........ Posle max 2000. Od 1200-1500 normalno si ide bez vibracii. Taka motorot ke trae zasto ne se arcit mnogu.
Сега по овие температури има ли некој што чека повеќе од 10cек да се загре колата?
Control of cold startingThe following occurs during cold starting:natural weakening of the mixture because of poor turbulence of the fuel particles at low temperatures reduced fuel evaporation condensation of the fuel on the inner walls of the inlet manifold increased viscosity of the lubricant oil. The electronic control unit recognizes this condition and corrects the fuel injection time in accordance with:coolant temperature intake air temperature battery voltage engine rpm. The ignition advance depends solely on the engine rpm and the coolant temperature.Whilst the engine is warming up, the electronic control unit operates the idle speed actuator, which determines the quantity of air required to guarantee that the engine speed is sustained.The rpm is made to decrease in proportion to the increase in temperature of the engine until the optimum value with the engine up to temperature is obtained.