Уживај во колата и имај реални очекувања за можностите на автоматските системи.
Ме заинтересира дискусијата па разгледав подетално. Начинот како си тестирал е надвор од можностите на системот што го поседува колата.
Во брошурата пишуваат многу оптимистички работи кои во реалност не се така (потоа со ситни букви ќе има дека не се одговорни за можните грешки):
For Dacia, nothing is more important than constantly improving the safety of its vehicles, and especially that of its users. "You can relax with automatic emergency braking", hill start assist, six standard airbags and blind spot detection. All-new Dacia Sandero and Sandero Stepway "provide everything you need for worry-free driving".
Automatic Emergency Braking. Because, sometimes, being focussed and reactive is not enough. You can rely on All-new Sandero and All-new Sandero Stepway to avoid "or mitigate minor accidents". Automatic Emergency Braking detects the risk of collision. If you don't react or if you don't react quickly enough, the system triggers and optimises braking.
Многу поинаку е кога ќе се прочита во официјалниот прирачник.
Извадок од прирачникот:
Detection of vehicles
Note: if the driver uses the vehicle con trols (steering wheel, pedals, etc.) the system may delay certain operations or not activate.
Non-detection of fixed obstacles and objects of a small size
The system cannot detect:– pedestrians, bikes, scooters, etc. ;– animals;– fixed obstacles (toll barriers, walls, etc.) (e.g. D).
These are not taken into account by the system. They do not trigger any alert or reaction by the system.
Emergency brake assist
This system supplements the ABS and helps reduce vehicle stopping dis tances.
Operating principle
The system is for detecting an emer gency braking situation. In this case, the braking assistance immediately de velops maximum power and may trig ger ABS regulation.
ABS braking is maintained as long as the brake pedal is applied.
Овде го најдов прирачникот:https://1drv.ms/u/s!AnRCJpZWX0-nlngA-ZgKYSZLwVUC?e=clvnGd