Леле мори мајко

ќе биде супер ако ни затреба, а ко за беља ќе биде и тоа. Е сеа незнам дали може ама Маршер или некој таков да го изчита кодот дур е у финкционално стање или нема теорија?
едит - леле
simple answer
no no one but fiat can program keys to your car no matter what they say they simply can't i believe there are some places that can make an identical copy of a key you have but as i have said it's roiling code so as soon as you use the copy it will stop the original key from working and render it useless from then on
but even this is a little far fetched as i don't think any company's have made keys with reprogrammable memory and even if they can due to the problem i have outlined above they would be no market for them anyway
a few more facts about these keys
only fiat equipment can program the keys to your car so it's gona be a visit to the dealer either way
keys that are ordered for a car can be programed to that car only and cannot be fitted to any other car so if you start mixing lock sets or body computers about it's not gona work
all keys need to be present when new keys are being programed to the car otherwise they will be lost from the car's memory and will be rendered useless even fiat cant reprogram them after this happens as they're not new any more ie the rolling code has been changed many times and the car will not accept them
bit like when you take a baby rabbit from it's mother it wont want it back it will simply kill it
when ordering keys from dealer you will need proof of ownership like v5 document and some id probably not sure exactly what but dealer will tell you
you will also need to produce your code card if you have it many British cars don't as they are taken out at bristal buy fiat uk due to British insurance laws stupid if you ask me as no one can use it to steal your car anyway unless they have a blank copy of your key and know the emergency start-up prosedure these cards cost 10 pound so expect the bill to be 10 quid more expensive
i have seen some quotes on here of 130 for one non remote key this is quite frankly a rip off so shop around a bit play dealers off against each other
one not remote iirc should be about 84 quid all in programed an all
now could some people that have had these keys programed to there cars please give a better idea of what they should cost obviously remote keys are more expensive than non remotе

и шо пари збориме тука, 500 ?