Има чудни работи на тестов, мене дајте ми ги прошеата, задржете си го цитроенот
Значка си е значка.
Секој знае да направи одличен мус тест и да крши бубрези.
И лош мус тест и да е благодет вожњата.
Поентата е да направиш благодет вожња со добар мус тест.
Имено 3008 има солиден тест, ама бајаги се труцка на нерамнини на автопат и ти рипкаат нозете на обиколница.
Само да те надополнам. Баш 308 од поновиве го има тоа. Помека вожња и одличен муз тест. Ете ја директно разликата помеѓу кола и кросовер.
Они викаат:
I think the Peugeot 308 has one of the best tuned chassis on the market compared to other cars of similar price and size. So it is compared to other more expensive, like a Mercedes-Benz A-Class . In fact, it seems to me a better car because of its dynamic qualities than for other characteristics that depend on how the passenger compartment is designed, such as the driving position, the design of the instrumentation or the handling of many of the functions through a touch screen. If these details were better resolved, they would make a round product. It is a sporty and comfortable car in equal parts. I carefully consider how he responds in progress in Driving Impressions . However, the Driving impressions written for the 308 5p 2014 and for the 308 SW 2014 also apply to 308 2017.
What I liked most is that, regardless of the version and level of equipment, Peugeot has achieved a commendable balance between how well the car is on any surface and how stable and agile it is. The engines are also satisfactory in general terms, with nuances. What I liked the least was the manual gear change, which will be replaced in February 2018 by a new one. The eight-speed automatic transmission is a novelty and works well, simply: it changes smoothly, it is not the fastest, but it does not miss more speed in the changes, and it is not very compliant in manual use if the driver Endeavors to reduce gears quickly.
Two examples of how well developed the results are and the impressions we obtained during the dodge and slalom maneuver, which exceeded in an exemplary manner. It is one of the cars in which we have done the most repetitions without knocking down a single cone, because of the agility with which the exercise was carried out and because of how easy it was for drivers to test it. In the following video there are more details.
The 308 is a nice car to drive fast, either on a winding road or on a highway. Always transmit confidence and have a silent roll. In the gasoline version, from the usual sources of noise (the engine, the outside air and the rubbing of the wheels with the asphalt), only the wind is slightly noticeable at high speed