Неколку цитати извадени од Википедиа:
Jeremy Clarkson, and other journalists raised a number of other complaints about the 1-series which were or are aesthetic ...
Clarkson went so far as to end his review for the Sunday Times with 'The 1-series is crap.
Clarkson himself awarded the 2008 model five stars, and had the following to say: 'The 135 coupé is the best car BMW makes.
![Huh? ???](https://forum.carclub.mk/Smileys/FlatEmoji/huh.gif)
The BMW 118d, which is not sold in North America, won the prestigious 'World Green Car Award' in 2008 being the only performance oriented car with CO2 emissions and fuel consumption comparable to Toyota Prius.
+ Автомобил потполно ориентиран кон возачот, со извонредно прецизно и оштро управување, крајно неутрално однесување во кривина (50:50 распределба на тежина е чувство кое те следи во секоја кривина), дефинитивно Ultimate driving machine.
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