Автор Тема: Рели ДАКАР 2014  (Прочитано 11792 пати)

Отсутен Vasil

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Рели ДАКАР 2014
« на: 31 Декември 2013, 15:46:37 pm »
Време е за Дакар. Првата етапа е на 5ти, малку подоцна од вообичаеното.

Деталната рута

Листа на натпреварувачите (Автомобили)

Пишете нешто интересно ако најдете за натпреварувачите и нивните возила.


Carlos' desire to dominate every facet of the rallying world has given birth to this, the French built SMG Dakar prototype. While his previous victory in 2010 was achieved in a specially built Volkswagen Touareg, it fell in to the bracket of 4WD Diesel powered cars. This SMG on the other hand, pumps it's petrol power through only it's real wheels.

Putting the car's 420hp down through the rear tyres on some of the least car-friendly terrain in the world requires a whole different driving style to that of a 4WD vehicle, but should hardly be a problem for Sainz, a 27 year veteran of offroad racing. A torque figure of 68 mkg makes sure that you'll never be short of muscle to fight your way over the dunes of South America.

Constructed by hand from tubular aluminium, then draped in a carbon fibre bodyshell, ready to race this car weighs in at 1400kg. The engine is mounted behind the cockpit, which helps distribute the weight towards the rear, where it can help give traction to the driven wheels on the loose surfaces the rally will mostly be comprised of. The 2WD nature of the vehicle also allows it a weight advantage over it's 4WD counterparts, in that you're not carrying bulky prop shafts and heavy differentials, allowing it to skip over terrain with a little more pep.

Every inch of this car screams "built to win". There's not much in the way of creature comforts, if it doesn't help you go fast, it's not here. Apart from the essential steering wheel, pedals and sequential shifter, you're going to find a panel full of switches to operate the safety systems and the built in jack (in case of a puncture or when you inevitably bog yourself down at the bottom of a sand dune.)

Facing the co-driver is the navigation equipment, which is comprised of a GPS logger for the organisers, and a glorified Tom Tom, which only activates at 200m from your next waypoint. All other navigation is gleaned from a roadbook, which you'll only receive the night before the next stage.

Also on board, you'll find a whole host of parts to keep you going, should you break something on the way. As your support vehicle is only authorised to help you after each stage is over, it's up to the drivers to fix anything that crops up. A couple of spare wheels can be found mounted to the back, as well as various suspension and transmission components.

Putting the power down to the road/sand/rocks/lakebed, are a set of 17/37/12.50 inch wheels on all four corners, with a huge cross section to help distribute weight over the loose surfaces encountered on the 8500km route, coupled to 450mm of suspension travel, allowing it to absorb all manner of obstacles and landings. Stopping is handled by hard wearing steel rotors.

Еве ги и Американците

US Muscle 8)

Отсутен Deni

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Одг: Рели ДАКАР 2014
« Одговори #1 на: 31 Декември 2013, 16:45:58 pm »
Совршеното возило за низ Скопје.

Отсутен x01

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« Одговори #2 на: 31 Декември 2013, 16:50:18 pm »
Ке има ли преноси од нашите мегафони или пак ке треба да гледаме од интернет и на eurosport.

Отсутен MKDPetar

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Одг: Рели ДАКАР 2014
« Одговори #3 на: 02 Јануари 2014, 17:59:27 pm »
Great Trucks - Best of Dakar

Отсутен MKDPetar

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Одг: Рели ДАКАР 2014
« Одговори #4 на: 02 Јануари 2014, 18:01:00 pm »
Landscapes of Africa - Best of Dakar

Landscapes of South America - Best of Dakar

Отсутен Vasil

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Одг: Рели ДАКАР 2014
« Одговори #5 на: 05 Јануари 2014, 00:53:31 am »

Отсутен godofspeed

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Одг: Рели ДАКАР 2014
« Одговори #6 на: 05 Јануари 2014, 03:36:44 am »
Малку сум надвор од настаните....
Каде може да се гледа релито онлајн и дали ке има пренос на некои од нашите телевизии?

Отсутен Vasil

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Одг: Рели ДАКАР 2014
« Одговори #7 на: 05 Јануари 2014, 04:08:50 am »

На овој канал треба да има преглед после секој ден.

Отсутен Vasil

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Одг: Рели ДАКАР 2014
« Одговори #8 на: 06 Јануари 2014, 18:20:00 pm »
Преглед на првиот ден

Отсутен Dimitar

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Одг: Рели ДАКАР 2014
« Одговори #9 на: 06 Јануари 2014, 19:19:57 pm »
Гордон веројатно имал некој проблем 2часа и 30 минути заостанал првиот ден :)

Отсутен Vasil

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Одг: Рели ДАКАР 2014
« Одговори #10 на: 07 Јануари 2014, 00:22:28 am »
^ Имал проблеми со прегревање.

American Robby Gordon, a favorite to win the rally classic had a terrible start to his 2014 effort, falling more than 2 hours behind the pace in the car category.

“I don’t know what happened,” Gordon said to the Dakar Rally website.

“Everything went smoothly when we took things easy on the link section, but from the moment we started the special [stage], we had vapor lock problems and we had to stop. Then, all the other fluids started to overheat, so we had to stop at least five or six times."

“At the end, we had stopped for the umpteenth time when Competitor No. 390 offered to tow us to the end of the special. Honestly, it’s strange, I don’t know why this happened.”

Кој го пропуштил преносот на Eurosport, моментално тече преносот на British Еуроспорт 2


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  • LANCER EVO (GreeN EditioN)
    • http://forum.carclub.mk/index.php/topic,101.0.html
Одг: Рели ДАКАР 2014
« Одговори #12 на: 07 Јануари 2014, 14:35:59 pm »
Great Wall pobednik na orva etapa?
WoW, sto e sledno, svetot navistina se menuva :D
Nezno klikni na; http://forum.carclub.mk/index.php/topic,101.0.html      If you want to have a free ride!

Отсутен Dimitar

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Одг: Рели ДАКАР 2014
« Одговори #13 на: 07 Јануари 2014, 19:07:28 pm »
Great Wall pobednik na orva etapa?
WoW, sto e sledno, svetot navistina se menuva :D
Kвалитетени се кинезиве!Имам одено во фабриката во Бугарија!Навистина си работат по најстроги правила,така да не ме чуди воопшто ова!

Туку дали знае некој каде може да се следи Еко рели што се вози во мавртинија!Тоа ми се виде некако поинтересно,ама откога почна дакар го прекинаа на еуроспорт да го даваат

Отсутен Vasil

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Одг: Рели ДАКАР 2014
« Одговори #14 на: 07 Јануари 2014, 19:34:19 pm »
Даваа преглед вчера на Бритиш Еуроспорт 2 од 00:00. Прво оди прегледот за Еко Рели, па после него е за Дакар.