Автор Тема: Opel Calibra Turbo 4x4  (Прочитано 420430 пати)

Отсутен Stratro

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Одг: Opel Calibra Turbo 4x4
« Одговори #1080 на: 23 Февруари 2016, 00:02:36 am »
И кој тоа кај нас би го извел?..или мислиш сам да го правам?

Отсутен IdeuX

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Одг: Opel Calibra Turbo 4x4
« Одговори #1081 на: 23 Февруари 2016, 00:06:21 am »
Можам јас да ти го изведам, не е проблем. Нема фирма ако мислиш на тоа да ти го изведе кај нас

Отсутен Stratro

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Одг: Opel Calibra Turbo 4x4
« Одговори #1082 на: 23 Февруари 2016, 00:11:18 am »
Пиши ми контакт во ПП...ќе видиме...само после плинот...;D

Отсутен IdeuX

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Одг: Opel Calibra Turbo 4x4
« Одговори #1083 на: 23 Февруари 2016, 00:14:58 am »
Пишано :)

Отсутен marmlad

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Одг: Opel Calibra Turbo 4x4
« Одговори #1084 на: 23 Февруари 2016, 08:59:34 am »

Јас би го продал мојов комплет, во замена за стандард STI :)

Отсутен Stratro

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Одг: Opel Calibra Turbo 4x4
« Одговори #1085 на: 23 Февруари 2016, 09:14:13 am »
Интеркулеров тешко дека ќе го собере кај мене..а цефките мислам дека се неупотребливи.
Еве каков и колкав треба за да пасира доле и истовремено да не прави бариера како трет хладњак напред..

Отсутен marmlad

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Одг: Opel Calibra Turbo 4x4
« Одговори #1086 на: 23 Февруари 2016, 09:17:58 am »
има толку многу цефки и колена што можеш и у гепек да го монтираш. Ама ако е кнап со место, ништо... Барај ко што ти кажа IdeuX, ќе го најдеш по димензија, па за цефките ке му ја мислиме :)

Отсутен Stratro

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Одг: Opel Calibra Turbo 4x4
« Одговори #1087 на: 23 Февруари 2016, 09:29:19 am »
Секако ќе провериме на лице место, али прво да видам плинската инсталација што и колку место ќе ми узурпира во моторот, па после на раат може да се измери и види дали, каде и што нешто би сметало и колку реално има простор.
Инаку не е проблем...

Отсутен Спенсер

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Одг: Opel Calibra Turbo 4x4
« Одговори #1088 на: 23 Февруари 2016, 10:11:23 am »
Дејли драјвер ќе биде Калибрава, па плинче.. ? :)

Отсутен Stratro

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Одг: Opel Calibra Turbo 4x4
« Одговори #1089 на: 23 Февруари 2016, 10:15:37 am »
Moра да биде...да се исплатат фрлените пари.
Ете  обезбедив и паркинг простор во катна гаража, така да зимо/лето подобро ќе и биде таму него ли во двор.

Отсутен FilipM

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Одг: Opel Calibra Turbo 4x4
« Одговори #1090 на: 23 Февруари 2016, 10:58:56 am »
25% od vkupnata snaga samo od interkuler? Wat?!?!
I’m so mean, I make medicine sick

Отсутен Stratro

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Одг: Opel Calibra Turbo 4x4
« Одговори #1091 на: 23 Февруари 2016, 11:16:44 am »
Имаше мерења од dyno на maxboost.co.uk..али сајтот не постои веќе.И јас се чудев.
Инаку 25% беа измерени во најдобар случај...а над 10% (30 КС) во секој случај.


The c20let engine although often overlooked by many people is actually a very capable performer  even in fairly standard tune, developed alongside cosworth initially as the C20XE (normally aspirated motor) the C20LET turbo variant benefits from a good modern design of cylinder head and strong internal components and these days there is a vast array of tuning parts available and an incresing number of serious tuners who are prepared to work with them. The LET is very easy to live with as a day to day engine, there is very little turbo lag and it will return 30mpg or more if driven steady.
It was originally found in the calibra turbo and cavalier turbo and was in production from 1992-1998 but is now found in a very wide variety of cars due to its popularity for engine transplants, so now you will find LET motors in various kit cars, as well as shoehorned into just about every car in the vauxhall range from the 80s and 90s and even in other makes of cars.
As with any engine, when it comes to tuning the key thing is to set yourself a clear target and find a reputable company to help you achieve it. If you set out for 250bhp, then change your mind to 300bhp, then 350bhp then 400bhp rather than just going straight for 400bhp then you will keep having to replace parts (especially the chipset) that you have already replaced, and this can lead to costs spiralling out of control, spending 1000 pounds on a replacement turbo is not something you want to do many times, so its no good buying a 350bhp capable turbo if you then decide 6 months later you want a 400bhp one and have to replace it again.

Stage 0 -  (204bhp)
The first thing to do with the c20let like any other engine is of course to make sure that its well serviced, specifically any weakness in the ignition system in particular will greatly limit the tuning potential of the engine, so make sure the plugs/leads/rotor arm/distributor cap are all in perfect working order before you even consider upping the boost etc.
Cost: 200-500

Stage 1  (250bhp)
The simplest place to look for more power is to increase the boost level, the standard engine is limited on boost by the software within the ecu, so in order to run more boost you will first need to change the chips within the ecu to allow more boost to be produced.
There is a wide choice of chips available to do this, but unless you also upgrade the intercooler you will be limited on power to around 250bhp
Cost: 200-300

Stage 2  (280bhp)
With an uprated intercooler (and boost pipes) and also a raised boost level you should be able to squueze around 280bhp out of a completely standard engine with no other modifications needed other than an increase in fuel pressure and adjusting the actuator, at this level the standard components are all well within their capabilities and this is a very popular level of tune to take these engines to as its power to match most cars on the road without spending out a lot of money.
Cost: 600-1000

Stage 3 (300-350bhp)
Getting past 300bhp to any significant extent is going to require a change of turbo, the standard K16 turbo is simply not capable of flowing enough air for much more, along with a change of exhaust as the standard one is too restrictive at this level.
When it comes to upgrading the turbo there are two very different paths you can go down, the first is to go for a modified K16 turbo or a hybrid (such as a K16/K26 hybrid), fitted to the original exhaust manifold, the second option is to go for a custom manifold and replace the turbo with another type of turbo altogether, with the most popular choice being the Garrett T or GT series of turbos.
For the upper end of this power range, you will also need to uprate your fuel pump, and the inlet manifold tophat, the standard injectors too are absolutely on their knees and its common practice to replace these with 440cc or larger items.
Ultimately this is the stage to which you are you are limited by the engine internals, so this is the furthest you can realistically tune the engine without having to actually remove it from the car and start modifying it internally
Cost : 2000-4000

Stage 4 (400bhp)
At this stage it becomes necessary to start making major mechanical changes to the engine itself, the standard conrods simply wont survive for long at this level and so have to be replaced, this is not a trivial task and will involve a total engine stripdown and rebuild to incorporate the new conrods, at which point most people will opt to replace the pistons too in order to drop the compression ratio to allow for far more boost to be utilised so costs really start to climb here typically.
Also needing to be changed is the standard inlet manifold which will not flow evenly to each cylinder anymore at this level and likewise the exhaust manifold will need to be replaced for an equal length tubular item, along with a much larger turbo.
The standard injectors too will have to be replaced at this level, typically with aftermarket 550cc items.
The original equipment motronic management however copes surprisingly well with big changes to the engine providing the software is updated accordingly, and even the standard air mass meter has been proven to cope accurately upto 400bhp.
Cost: 5000 - 10000

Stage 5 (450bhp+)
A change of management to an aftermarket ECU will remove the restriction of the air mass meter and open up the nearly limitless potential of the C20LET, the cylinder head will also need modifying at this level to open up the ports to allow more airflow, the standard cams are also too mild for this sort of power and will need replacing too, along with all the valve train components, as the standard valvesprings.
The sky truely is the limit though and examples have been dyno'd at 700bhp and above, but the number of standard components remaining at that level is almost none!
Its impossible to really give any firm guidelines of what to do at this level as different tuners will all have their preferred approach, but suffice to say that getting this sort of power reliabley from your LET engine is going to mean replacing almost everything, so expect to be paying 10K+ at this point!
Cost 10000-20000

Отсутен marmlad

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Одг: Opel Calibra Turbo 4x4
« Одговори #1092 на: 23 Февруари 2016, 13:56:17 pm »
Ова детално ке го прочитам, него на плинот да се навратиме :) НЕ ЈА ПРАВИ!!! Ќе ти се изгуби ќеифот ако ја возиш секаде, секој ден, на страна од намалување снага, каков сетап ке ти направат, муабетот се гараж на вентили, итн итн.. Башка 55ден е горивото!!! :D
A ако ја чуваш во ИЗВРСНО СТАЊЕ, верувај не ги фрлаш парите у празно.... Една е во МК во ваква состојба.

Отсутен Deni

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Одг: Opel Calibra Turbo 4x4
« Одговори #1093 на: 23 Февруари 2016, 14:01:58 pm »
A за што да ја чува?

Отсутен Stratro

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Одг: Opel Calibra Turbo 4x4
« Одговори #1094 на: 23 Февруари 2016, 14:06:15 pm »
Нема да изгуби на снага.  BRC електронски систем е и во секое време може да се вози на бензин со целосна снага.
Плус расплињачата ми е за над 150 kW..

Не си прв иначе кој ме разубедува...