Автор Тема: Bregasta osovina mi otkaza kaj golf 5 TDI, normalno li e toa na 175 000 km ??  (Прочитано 26195 пати)

Отсутен Bugar

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Одг: Bregasta osovina mi otkaza kaj golf 5 TDI, normalno li e toa na 175 000 km ??
« Одговори #15 на: 28 Август 2013, 17:20:06 pm »
ima vistina i vo toa.

Отсутен stig

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Одг: Bregasta osovina mi otkaza kaj golf 5 TDI, normalno li e toa na 175 000 km ??
« Одговори #16 на: 28 Август 2013, 17:31:13 pm »
Нема врска овој проблем со маслена пумпа, кога ќе откаже таа цел мотор се уништува. Ај сликај тоа брегастата и подизачите да видиме колку се оштетени па ќе ти кажам што и како после. Има доста големи шанси да е отидена брегастата нарочито ако е возена со масло кое не ги исполнува нормите на производителот за него треба да користиш масло 505.01 во спротивно ќе се случи тоа што се случило сега. Ако е возилото на оригинал километри не би требало дасе случи тоа мада со неадекватно масло би можело да дојде до предвремено абење. Сега ако е оштетена брегастата треба да смениш и лагери на брегаста и подизачи, брегастата е некаде околу 160-70 евра од Феби  подизачи ке ставиш појачани за пд мотор пошто обичните одма ќе ги направи салата.

Отсутен Leon-cist

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Одг: Bregasta osovina mi otkaza kaj golf 5 TDI, normalno li e toa na 175 000 km ??
« Одговори #17 на: 28 Август 2013, 18:54:19 pm »
Ако е тој имаат проблем со уљна пумпа, кај тој има шанси да не го крева до горе уљето и да не се подмачкувала убаво брегастата.
Уште едно прашање, што ти рекоа дека бреговите се изедени на брегастата или...
bregovite bea izedeni malku pogotovo prviot breg od levo, 1.9 tdi e motorot,  gotovo bregastata ja kupiv 250 evra + podizavite 100 evra, sea mi iscezna ceckanjeto,  prasav i drugi majstori mi kazuvaa deka e mozno kaj ovie motori na ovie kilometrazi da otkazuva bregastata- pricina uljeto , a jas demek stavam dobro ulje 10/50  , 507.00 no jbg se izgorev ubavo, sea ke stavam sliki na staroto bregasto
VW MK-7 (1.6 тди)

Отсутен Leon-cist

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Одг: Bregasta osovina mi otkaza kaj golf 5 TDI, normalno li e toa na 175 000 km ??
« Одговори #18 на: 28 Август 2013, 18:57:45 pm »
Друже ај кажи моторот дали е 2,0 или 1,9?
и кој код е моторот?

1.9  tdi.  a kodot ne znam kaj da go najdam
VW MK-7 (1.6 тди)

Отсутен Баги

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Одг: Re: Bregasta osovina mi otkaza kaj golf 5 TDI, normalno li e toa na 175 000 km ??
« Одговори #19 на: 28 Август 2013, 19:02:30 pm »
Во сообраќајната

Отсутен Leon-cist

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Одг: Bregasta osovina mi otkaza kaj golf 5 TDI, normalno li e toa na 175 000 km ??
« Одговори #20 на: 28 Август 2013, 19:32:12 pm »
Друже ај кажи моторот дали е 2,0 или 1,9?
и кој код е моторот?

PKC/0922566  e kodot
VW MK-7 (1.6 тди)

Отсутен stig

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Одг: Bregasta osovina mi otkaza kaj golf 5 TDI, normalno li e toa na 175 000 km ??
« Одговори #21 на: 28 Август 2013, 21:18:34 pm »
Нема PKC мотор има BKC, овој проблем со брегастата најизразен е кај 1.9 тди 105 отвори на американски форуми кај нив го има најповеќе тој мотор во џета ќе видиш дека сите страдаат од тој проблем. И ум за друг пат ќе си ставаш 5-30 масло 505.01 стандард.

Отсутен Filip_90

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  • VW Golf 5 1.9 TDI
Одг: Bregasta osovina mi otkaza kaj golf 5 TDI, normalno li e toa na 175 000 km ??
« Одговори #22 на: 28 Август 2013, 21:27:44 pm »
Нема PKC мотор има BKC, овој проблем со брегастата најизразен е кај 1.9 тди 105 отвори на американски форуми кај нив го има најповеќе тој мотор во џета ќе видиш дека сите страдаат од тој проблем. И ум за друг пат ќе си ставаш 5-30 масло 505.01 стандард.
Токму така, само ова масло vw 505.01.
Имам читано дека излижуваат подизачите од лошо уље и пукаат, по тоа има сиптоми(некое време тропа-не тропа нешто во моторот), потоа се јаде брегот кој мава во тој подизач и моторот почнува цело време да тропа, односно испушта црн дим.
Голема е веројатноста еден брег да е драстично поизеден од другите бидејки пукнал некој подизачите.
Кога веќе си земал брегаста и подиzачи иди прашај си во некој од овластените сервиси колку ке те чини замената...
Ако си при пари земи си и семеринзи, лагери и останато што иде со тоа, а ако немаш нека процени мајсторот дали има потреба од такво нешто.

Отсутен SaleSk

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Одг: Bregasta osovina mi otkaza kaj golf 5 TDI, normalno li e toa na 175 000 km ??
« Одговори #23 на: 28 Август 2013, 21:32:12 pm »
Јас од текстот го разбрав дека колата веќе е направена и дека се изгубило ццкањето..Така?
Е па тоа е дечки...Нема повеќе голф 1 или голф2 кои можат да поминат по милион километри и со мочка наместо со уље да ги возиш...
Добредојдовте во клубот на половни возила, се вика тоа :)
Како и да е, со здравје да си ги возиш деловите, и запази ги препораките кое масло да го користиш што ти го дадоа поискусните членови...
Dusevno bolniot covek nikogas ne napagja bez pricina.Po toa se razlikuva od normalnite ludje.

Отсутен marsher

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    • smchiptuning
Одг: Bregasta osovina mi otkaza kaj golf 5 TDI, normalno li e toa na 175 000 km ??
« Одговори #24 на: 28 Август 2013, 22:35:22 pm »
A bit of history - VW launched the Pump Duse engine as an alternative to Common Rail as VW did not want to pay the licensing fee to use common rail, so they invented their own alternative, a very torquey fairly refined engine but seemingly with one major design flaw...

The Cams are very prone to wear in these engines resulting in knocking/rubbing noises, misfires, black smoke, loss of power, reduced fuel economy, and damaged valves/lifters.

The reasons for the wear:

The PD in TDI PD stands for Pumpe Duse - this basically means the injection system is 'Unit Injection', a low pressure lift pump draws the fuel from the tank to a second injection pump, this pump called the 'Tandem Pump' increases the fuel pressure sending it to the 'Unit Injectors', the Tandem pump also provides the vacum for the brake servo.

The injectors each have their own 'pump' if you like built in, the timing of the injectors is set by the Camshaft, as the Cam rotates it pushes down on the Injector telling it to fire, the ECU then controls how much fuel is injected.

Because of this the PD engine has much thinner Cam lobes than a normal 4 Cylinder engine meaning the Cam is put under a lot more stress.

This often causes the Cam to wear prematurely damaging the Lifters, and the injector rockers. The Cam shell bearings are also known to wear.

Now it is worth noting that 'Unit Injection' has been around since the 30's and is a good system that works well, however due to a seemingly flawed design the VW PD engine isn't quite as reliable as it should be.

From my research and now sadly experience this seems to be down to a number of factors:

The main one is the use of either the wrong oil or insufficient servicing. The TDi PD MUST be serviced using VW PD oil meeting specification 505.01 for 10k servicing or 506.01 on longlife, the viscosity must be either 5W30 or 5W40 - some say 5W40 is better as it it thicker. The non use of either of these oils will more often than not result in premature Cam failure, likewise not servicing in accordance with VW's recommendations will also likely cause Cam wear. My advice is if you are keeping the car for a long time - change the oil every 7.5K and avoid longlife servicing.

Sustained high speed driving.
There seems to be a link between sustained high speed driving (75mph plus) and the cam wear, it seems at sustained higher revolutions the engine cannot lubricate the cam and bearings enough resulting in premature wear and failure.

Longlife Servicing.
There also seems to be a link between longlife servicing and premature Cam wear, Because the oil is in there that much longer more particles build up damaging the Cam. As above personally I'd change the oil every 7.5K.

Heres some photo's of the cam in my PD, this has done 79K, each lobe is showing signs of the start of serious wear (the hardened coating has gone as shown by the Copper colour) and the lobes on CYL3 have severe scoring to them like they have had insufficient lubrication, there also seems to be a lot of large particles in the oil in the head. Luckily (you cant see them in the pics) the lifters are ok for now, however the cam is getting noisy and has maybe 20k at best left in it.

The cost to repair for the average man in the street is around £800 from an independant (using genuine VW parts) and £1500 at the main dealer (advantage of 2 year warranty on the parts).

Its worth noting it seems to be a lottery which ones fail, a number of people service them exactly to VW specs and the cams still wear, other people have their og cams at 200k. Furthermore it seems to be much worse on the PD130 and PD150 engines than the PD100's fitted in our bugs - however it does still happen.

Its also worth noting that VW are slowly dropping the PD engine and switching over to Common Rail, this is because a PD engine cannot run a DPF because of the injection system meaning VW cannot meet the new legislation for Diesel emissions.

Отсутен AllMightyMe

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Одг: Bregasta osovina mi otkaza kaj golf 5 TDI, normalno li e toa na 175 000 km ??
« Одговори #25 на: 28 Август 2013, 22:43:06 pm »
..VW did not want to pay the licensing fee to use common rail,...

и сеа шо се дешава, им плаќаат на италијаниве лиценца за CR технологијата ;D ;D ;D  Оваа утка да се случеше на некој друг производител сеа ќе имаше муабети и муабети да се прават ...
Од економски акпект, залудно потрошени пари за истражување и развој, маркетинг итн.... али тврдоглавоста се плаќа.

Отсутен Leon-cist

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Одг: Bregasta osovina mi otkaza kaj golf 5 TDI, normalno li e toa na 175 000 km ??
« Одговори #26 на: 28 Август 2013, 22:44:04 pm »
Нема PKC мотор има BKC, овој проблем со брегастата најизразен е кај 1.9 тди 105 отвори на американски форуми кај нив го има најповеќе тој мотор во џета ќе видиш дека сите страдаат од тој проблем. И ум за друг пат ќе си ставаш 5-30 масло 505.01 стандард.
a toj glupav majstor mi stavi 504.00 ,  5/40 ???
VW MK-7 (1.6 тди)

Отсутен Filip_90

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  • Пораки: 1839
  • VW Golf 5 1.9 TDI
Одг: Bregasta osovina mi otkaza kaj golf 5 TDI, normalno li e toa na 175 000 km ??
« Одговори #27 на: 28 Август 2013, 22:49:10 pm »
Еве најдоле кај можеш да си најдеш соодветно масло.

Отсутен Leon-cist

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Одг: Bregasta osovina mi otkaza kaj golf 5 TDI, normalno li e toa na 175 000 km ??
« Одговори #28 на: 28 Август 2013, 22:53:54 pm »
A bit of history - VW launched the Pump Duse engine as an alternative to Common Rail as VW did not want to pay the licensing fee to use common rail, so they invented their own alternative, a very torquey fairly refined engine but seemingly with one major design flaw...

The Cams are very prone to wear in these engines resulting in knocking/rubbing noises, misfires, black smoke, loss of power, reduced fuel economy, and damaged valves/lifters.

The reasons for the wear:

The PD in TDI PD stands for Pumpe Duse - this basically means the injection system is 'Unit Injection', a low pressure lift pump draws the fuel from the tank to a second injection pump, this pump called the 'Tandem Pump' increases the fuel pressure sending it to the 'Unit Injectors', the Tandem pump also provides the vacum for the brake servo.

The injectors each have their own 'pump' if you like built in, the timing of the injectors is set by the Camshaft, as the Cam rotates it pushes down on the Injector telling it to fire, the ECU then controls how much fuel is injected.

Because of this the PD engine has much thinner Cam lobes than a normal 4 Cylinder engine meaning the Cam is put under a lot more stress.

This often causes the Cam to wear prematurely damaging the Lifters, and the injector rockers. The Cam shell bearings are also known to wear.

Now it is worth noting that 'Unit Injection' has been around since the 30's and is a good system that works well, however due to a seemingly flawed design the VW PD engine isn't quite as reliable as it should be.

From my research and now sadly experience this seems to be down to a number of factors:

The main one is the use of either the wrong oil or insufficient servicing. The TDi PD MUST be serviced using VW PD oil meeting specification 505.01 for 10k servicing or 506.01 on longlife, the viscosity must be either 5W30 or 5W40 - some say 5W40 is better as it it thicker. The non use of either of these oils will more often than not result in premature Cam failure, likewise not servicing in accordance with VW's recommendations will also likely cause Cam wear. My advice is if you are keeping the car for a long time - change the oil every 7.5K and avoid longlife servicing.

Sustained high speed driving.
There seems to be a link between sustained high speed driving (75mph plus) and the cam wear, it seems at sustained higher revolutions the engine cannot lubricate the cam and bearings enough resulting in premature wear and failure.

Longlife Servicing.
There also seems to be a link between longlife servicing and premature Cam wear, Because the oil is in there that much longer more particles build up damaging the Cam. As above personally I'd change the oil every 7.5K.

Heres some photo's of the cam in my PD, this has done 79K, each lobe is showing signs of the start of serious wear (the hardened coating has gone as shown by the Copper colour) and the lobes on CYL3 have severe scoring to them like they have had insufficient lubrication, there also seems to be a lot of large particles in the oil in the head. Luckily (you cant see them in the pics) the lifters are ok for now, however the cam is getting noisy and has maybe 20k at best left in it.

The cost to repair for the average man in the street is around £800 from an independant (using genuine VW parts) and £1500 at the main dealer (advantage of 2 year warranty on the parts).

Its worth noting it seems to be a lottery which ones fail, a number of people service them exactly to VW specs and the cams still wear, other people have their og cams at 200k. Furthermore it seems to be much worse on the PD130 and PD150 engines than the PD100's fitted in our bugs - however it does still happen.

Its also worth noting that VW are slowly dropping the PD engine and switching over to Common Rail, this is because a PD engine cannot run a DPF because of the injection system meaning VW cannot meet the new legislation for Diesel emissions.

fala za ovoj tekst brat, no edno me chudi- sekogas stavam kvalitetno ulje ali to je to, ne znaes sto kupuvas :(
VW MK-7 (1.6 тди)

Отсутен Leon-cist

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Одг: Bregasta osovina mi otkaza kaj golf 5 TDI, normalno li e toa na 175 000 km ??
« Одговори #29 на: 28 Август 2013, 23:08:53 pm »
Decki vo Porshe se javiv kaj eden decko so raboti tamu, mi kaza oti bregasta tamu kosta 50 000 denari + podizacite 9000 denari,  a jas kaj eden drug diler najdov bregasta solidna za 250 evra i podizacite za 100 evra, gi montirav, i pak ceckase i tropase na prvite 5 minuti pa posle iscezna tropenjeto, celo vreme sakam da stavam sliki tuka od starata bregasta no ne mozam,  site vasi odgovori gi procitav  i fala vi mnogu, bidejki samo sakav da spodelam iskustvo so vas vo vrska so ovoj problem neochekuvan i sakav da doznam od poiskusnite forumdjii dali ovoj problem e normalna pojava kaj golf mk5 tdi 1.9 posto stvarno ama stvarno me izgori grbot denes, a do sega ne sum znael nikogas deka bregasta spaga vo delovi od potrosen materjal ( sum vozel wv golf 3, pasat, vento  se do 350 000 km i sum nemal vakov problem) a sega mi ostanuva samo da sum pretpazliven so uljeto, a za parite sto otidoa zdravje ke dojdat pak na svoe mesto ;)
VW MK-7 (1.6 тди)