@riki_staff slucajno ovoj diagram da ne e za AGM,VRLA ili UPS baterii? Bidejki spored nas 11.9V vekje vleguva vo dlaboko praznenje na akumulatorska baterija, no pak ke kazam spored nas.
A fully charged Duracell battery can be stored for around 12 months (at 20°C) without recharging. At 20°C, monthly self-discharge of approx. 3 per cent must be expected and the cooler the storage, the smaller the self-discharge.
To be on the safe side, check the open-circuit voltage of the batteries after approx. 3 months.
If it is < 12.60V (but absolutely > 12.50V) the battery must be recharged immediately.
If it is < 12.70V, carry out a new check after approx. one month if the vehicle is not operating.
In the case of recharging outdoors, please ensure that the battery first reaches a temperature above 0°C so that a charge can be absorbed.
If charging is necessary, you can remove the battery and "defrost" it in rooms with >0°C, or simply leave the charger connected to the battery for a few days, at the beginning the charging energy is used to heat the battery.
Vazno mnogu: Don't worry, a fully charged lead-acid battery will freeze "only" at approx. minus 70°C. A discharged battery (open-circuit voltage = 12.0V) will freeze at a few sub-zero temperatures!
Tuka se javuva najcesto problem i otkazuvanje na akumulatorite, minatata zima padna sneg na 31 dekemvri i mnogu vozachi kolite ne gi zapalija do posle bozich, znachi nekade na 09 ili 10 januar.
Ladna beshe temperaturata i akumulatorite padnaa pod 12v i ednostavno se oshtetija, pola od niv zamrznaa.