zasto ne c20let 2.0 turbo so 204 hp....i mnooogu moznosti za ponatamu?
Имам друг план на ум....зедов уште еден V6 i мењач планирам комбинација со нешто вакво на пролет...(Фотографијата е скриена. Кликни тука за да ја прикажеш..)
Podobra varijanta ti e C 20 LET: poizdrzlivi komponenti za maltretiranje, poveke prostor pod F28 menjac e proverena rabota.
Inace C25 XE moze solidno da se sredi i bez turbina.
this is f20 with light flywheel (4.2kg) and engine was tuned up to 211bhp, and lose some of KG

Korisni informacii: are rumours of a Vauxhall developed prototype Calibra V6 C25XE with twin turbochargers. This remains just a myth.
While it is theoretically possible to mount twin turbo's to the C25XE it is very difficult to make this arrangement fit into the Calibra engine bay. A big part of this problem is that the V6 engine is transversely mounted making room around both the front and rear exhaust manifolds very tight. Room is further limited at the front if your V6 has aircon fitted.
Saab low pressure turbo as fitted to 2.0L 4 cylinder engines. The Saab 9-3 used a single low pressure turbo (Garrett GT1752) - was used on four cylinder 2.0L engines to give 155 bhp. Some Saab 900 SE's and early 9-3 V6's used C25XE engines but these were never turbocharged. These are low pressure turbo units intended to provide very modest boost to the V6 engine.
It may be possible to transplant these turbo units into a Calibra V6 but engine bay space may be an issue.Saab 900 SE V6 (94-98) used the same engine as the V6 Calibra. The engine (designated B258i) was carried over and used in early Saab 9-3 production. The C25XE is a general GM European engine; German design, UK built. When used in Saabs the configuration was the familiar transverse mounting and even used the same F25 gearbox. Engine management was the same Bosch Motronic.
The early Saab 9-5 range also offered another GM V6 - the 3.0L X30XE from the Omega.
Ako uspees da upikas turbina, interkuler i dopolnitelen hladnjak za ulje pod hauba so C25XE motor - sekoja cest..
..a 6 ka menuvac i sega ti e dobra opcija:
F28 6 Speed Manual Gearbox (from Calibra Turbo)A popular transplant is the F28 six speed manual 4x4 gearbox from a Calibra Turbo. This is originally a four wheel drive gearbox but can be converted to 2WD using a popular conversion kit. The closer ratio's and extra gear change the characteristics of the C25XE power delivery and does away with the 'lazy' long gearing on the standard F25 V6 gearbox. Matched with a lightened V6 flywheel this mod changes the driving characteristics of the V6 considerably.