И после неколку години страшен кејф, почнува навиката да си го прави своето и полека но сигурно да се губи оној почетниот сјај, односно да ми станува количето споричко, а со тоа и да не делува на лачењето на адреналинот доволно...

Среќа програмерскиот занает се исплаќа годиниве, па некои делчиња чекаат да бидат платени, доставени, а потоа и вградени за да се врати онаа старата насмевка!

Performance parts:
1. Uprated cylinder head ported on max and polished (race spec.) - Waiting other parts firstly
2. Uprated Inconel valves (weak point at F4R engine on high RPM) - Request sent/Not paid
3. Uprated valve springs (single spring by CatCams) - Request sent/Not paid
4. Titanium valve caps - Paid/Delivered
5. KTR Individual Throttle Bodies Kit - Communication in progress, will be delivered soon
6. KTR GEN90 fully programmable engine ECU - Communication in progress, will be delivered soon
7. INRacing ultimate fast road cams - Paid/Delivered
8. Exhaust Manifold stainless stell (race spec.) - Paid/Delivered
9. Short bevel ratio (track-day spec.) - Paid/Not delivered (waiting for transport solution)
10. Lightened and balanced flywheel (2.9kg race spec.) - Not finished, waiting for other parts firstly
11. Uprated cover plate and sprung paddle clutch kit (race spec.) - Paid/Waiting
12. Forget con rods with ARP bolts (weak point at F4R engine on high RPM) - Paid/Waiting
Other rebuild parts:
1. Engine and gearbox Vibra-technics mounts - Communication in progress, will be delivered soon
2. Uprated exaust mounts (by PrimaRacing) - Paid/Delivered
3. Carbon Fiber hear wrap and high temperature resistance ties - Paid/Delivered
4. De-cat pipe and mount kit (race spec.) - Paid/Delivered
5. Spark plugs NGK (OEM spec.) - Paid/Delivered
6. Complete OEM head gasket kit - Not Paid, waiting for other parts firstly
7. Gearbox JC5 complete rebuild bearing and oil seal kit - Paid/Delivered partial
8. Diff circlip reinforcement (weak point on JC5 gearbox diff) - Not Paid
9. Gearbox bearings reinforcement (weak point on JC5 gearbox diff) - Paid/Delivered
10. Short Shifter (Sadev race spec. replica) - Applied
11. Front and Rear conversion studs - Applied
12. Aluminium wheel nuts (AL-7075 race spec.) - Applied