Сакаш да кажеш дека компанија која во изминативе 20 години има просечен нето профит поголем од 10 милијарди долари годишно ќе пропадне затоа што некоја друга компанија за прв пат во 2010 остварила 20% поголем профит од првата?
ne, tuku zaradi vnatresnite problemi sto ne gi resavaat so godini unazad.
"The first iPhone shipped in 2007, and we still don't have a product that is close to their experience. Android came on the scene just over 2 years ago, and this week they took our leadership position in smartphone volumes. Unbelievable."
"At the midrange, we have Symbian. It has proven to be non-competitive in leading markets like North America. Additionally, Symbian is proving to be an increasingly difficult environment in which to develop to meet the continuously expanding consumer requirements, leading to slowness in product development and also creating a disadvantage when we seek to take advantage of new hardware platforms. As a result, if we continue like before, we will get further and further behind, while our competitors advance further and further ahead."
"Nokia, our platform is burning."
-Od prviot covek na Nokia.