Автор Тема: Квалитетот на VW.  (Прочитано 395167 пати)

Отсутен Stratro

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Одг: Квалитетот на VW.
« Одговори #2280 на: 30 Јули 2020, 21:03:10 pm »
Низ Ченто, Сеат Алтеа е новиот Голф 4.
Најчесто црни, со црни стакла и извадено лого напред.

Ако не одржиш растојание, попримуваш од бојата.

Присутен zeroSignal

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Одг: Квалитетот на VW.
« Одговори #2281 на: 30 Јули 2020, 21:47:38 pm »
Економично и практично возило.

Отсутен Stratro

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Одг: Квалитетот на VW.
« Одговори #2282 на: 30 Јули 2020, 21:54:09 pm »
Немам dashcam да видиш колку е уствари мангупско.

Отсутен Deni

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Одг: Квалитетот на VW.
« Одговори #2283 на: 31 Јули 2020, 07:44:47 am »
Ефтино е на старо.

Отсутен AUUU

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Одг: Квалитетот на VW.
« Одговори #2284 на: 08 Август 2020, 09:34:47 am »
не знам дали беше постирано, нема монтажа, нема добра камера, ама друго е поентата, споредба на Голф 7.5 и 8:

Отсутен Deni

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Одг: Квалитетот на VW.
« Одговори #2285 на: 08 Август 2020, 10:04:24 am »
Постирано беше, ама убаво е да се види пак што ни носи иднината. Како и да е супер конкурент на Пежо 307 + мултимедијален андроид уред од Дог Секјурити.

Отсутен Fic_CC

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Одг: Квалитетот на VW.
« Одговори #2286 на: 14 Август 2020, 12:37:14 pm »

Отсутен MartinAlfista

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Одг: Квалитетот на VW.
« Одговори #2287 на: 14 Август 2020, 12:50:37 pm »

Присутен Tischläufer

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Одг: Квалитетот на VW.
« Одговори #2288 на: 10 Септември 2020, 08:21:22 am »

German auto magazine auto motor und sport was able to conduct a review of the Volkswagen ID.3, covering the vehicle’s driving dynamics, overall build quality, tech, and range. On all but one of these segments, the ID.3 exhibited some issues, leading the magazine to extend some sharp critiques on the vehicle. According to auto motor und sport’s reviewers, the ID.3 has big areas of improvement in build quality, tech, and range.

The magazine noted that Volkswagen has pretty much established a reputation for making cars with great build quality. This seemed to be absent on the ID.3, as reviewers noticed that their review unit had panel gap issues and inconsistent alignments. Hard plastics were also abounding, which made the interior sensitive to dirt.

Unfortunately for the ID.3, its build quality issues were eclipsed by problems with its tech, which the magazine’s reviewers described as “unfinished.” The magazine mentioned a slow infotainment system, a faulty navigation system, and inconsistent voice control, as examples of the ID.3’s tech problems.

“The electronics show clear weaknesses in the near-series test car. The infotainment system only starts up slowly, the navigation system often remains disoriented for several hundred meters. The system does not call up online services at all. The ten-inch monitor is relatively far away from the driver and is therefore somewhat difficult to operate. Switching to voice control is not much fun because the system does not work properly and quickly,” auto motor und sport wrote.

The magazine also mentioned that while the ID.3 was able to manage a range of 359 kilometers (223 miles) during their test, the results were only possible when the team drove the car very defensively. Once the test included motorway and city driving, the ID.3’s efficiency fell, resulting in the car being empty after just 260 kilometers (161 miles). 

Not everything about the ID.3 was problematic, however. Just as stated by Elon Musk during his test drive of the vehicle, the ID.3 actually drives pretty well despite its lack of power compared to cars like the Model 3 Performance. The motoring magazine stated that the ID.3 had a perfectly balanced driving behavior, and its brakes performed really well. Unfortunately, even these do not justify the price of the ID.3 test unit, which Volkswagen sets at about 49,000 euros ($57,800) before incentives.

“VW is calling for almost 49,000 euros for the ID.3 test car, before deducting the environmental bonus. Measured against the quality construction (issues) that the testers from auto motor und sport found, it should be half at best. VW has to make improvements here as soon as possible. Unlike their competitor Tesla, the Wolfsburg-based company certainly doesn’t have a ‘beginner’s’ bonus,” the German magazine noted.

Отсутен Stratro

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Одг: Квалитетот на VW.
« Одговори #2289 на: 10 Септември 2020, 09:41:25 am »
Каков ID.3
Еден е  Голф.

Отсутен Deni

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Одг: Квалитетот на VW.
« Одговори #2290 на: 17 Септември 2020, 11:08:08 am »

Отсутен Deni

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Одг: Квалитетот на VW.
« Одговори #2291 на: 23 Септември 2020, 15:31:49 pm »

Отсутен Pane-G

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Одг: Квалитетот на VW.
« Одговори #2292 на: 23 Септември 2020, 15:46:02 pm »
Драми, драми..

The owner of a $155,000 Mercedes Benz S550 was so dissatisfied with the service he received from a local Canadian dealership that he flew to Germany to raise the issue with the automaker’s head office in Stuttgart, the Richmond News reports.

In 2017, Da Tong Yang bought his wife Guifang Huo the sedan under the impression that it was one of the safest luxury vehicles in the market, the publication notes. One year later, the couple was driving in Vancouver when the car’s steering wheel unexpectedly locked, nearly crashing them into a concrete wall, they claim.


Место да се сунча на јахтата...
Ова е на англиски значи САД се љубоморни за мерцедес ,а нивниот Ликолн или кадилак не им оди пазарот па затоа се што пишува

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Отсутен vlatko.klp

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Одг: Квалитетот на VW.
« Одговори #2293 на: 04 Ноември 2020, 14:46:01 pm »
Се повеќе нови видео клипови на јутуб потврдуваат дека новиот 2.0 тди ево е благо речено хибрид во поглед на потрошувачка. Незнам како успеваат, али во споредба со претходниот мотор 2.0тди 150кс овој новиов троши барем 20% помалку. Човек да се запраша дали треба ел.возило ако потрошувачката се сведе на вакви смешни бројки.

160км/ч 5.8 литри просек
140км/ч 4.4 литри просек
120км/ч 3.3 литри просек
100км/ч 2.7 литри просек

од 12-та минута па натака

Отсутен ARMEX

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Одг: Квалитетот на VW.
« Одговори #2294 на: 04 Ноември 2020, 15:10:06 pm »
Исто ко што исполнуваа еко нормативи, така и ова. Сите лажат, најголемите најмногу.