Па да речеме, намалување на силата на една далечна држава, која принта пари без покритие, која де-факто ја ослабе европа многу, го држи светот во рака (не повеќе), а и нас како народ и држава, слабо не сака, почнувајќи од 2001-ва до денес. Затоа се радуваат сите...
Зошто Кина ќе прашаш. Затоа што секогаш се бира помалото зло.
Америка заеми зема од Кина иначе. Се радуваш дека една сила ќе биде заменета со друга, место да сакаш послабите да станат посилни
А бидејќи Америка зема заеми од Кина, Кина сака да го држи доларот јак - покрај другите бенефити, што можеш подолу да прочиташ:
Japan commands the top spot among foreign creditors with $1.1 trillion, about 3% of total U.S. debt owed by the U.S. government. China holds the number two position with $859.4 billion of U.S. Treasurys, about 2.6% of the total U.S. debt.
United States Department of Treasury. "Major Foreign Holders of Treasury Securities."
Japanese-owned debt doesn't receive nearly as much negative attention as Chinese-owned debt because Japan is seen as a friendlier nation and the Japanese economy hasn't grown as fast year after year as China's.
Other countries that hold the most U.S. debt include the U.K. with $668.3 billion, Belgium with $331.1 billion in debt securities, and Luxembourg, slightly behind Belgium with $318.2 billion of the United States' debt.
Why China Owns So Much U.S. Debt
Chinese lenders bought up so many U.S. Treasury securities for two main economic reasons. The first and most important is that China wants its currency, the yuan, pegged to the dollar.
This has been common practice for many countries ever since the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944.
A dollar-pegged yuan helps keep down the cost of Chinese exports, which the Chinese government believes makes it stronger in international markets.
This also reduces the purchasing power of Chinese earners.