Се собрале луѓенца и си направиле листа на најдобри машки вокали based on vocal ability...
Peter Steele had one of the most prolific singing voices ever to be heard. From a purely professional glance from a semi professional singer throughout school and with a huge range of my own, I have never encountered a singer, with Peter's range, from low Bass II, the lowest register on the singing scale, all the way to first tenor, and such an utterly natural, deep bass voice with NO AUTO TUNING Peter sustains, bass/bass II at the opening of the song, then jumps to tenor I, then back down to bass II, to tenor I when he sings to his mother and he is imploring her to forgive him all the worry he caused her by not being the good NY Catholic that she trained him to be, that she was, though I think he was a choir boy, or should have been! Wow. This is probably one of Peter's most personal songs and he does his mother "Nettie" proud by demonstrating a vocal range that is enviable and simply not found in professional recorded music. It sounds as if he is chanting in Latin at 2:43, in the lowest of bass tones, as he opens the song, maintaining correct tune on the lowest, middle and highest ranges. Absolutely one of the most beautiful ranges in professional music, rarely found ANYWHERE!