Шознам, ја неможам да кажам кој е подобар. Исто ко да те прашаат кое дете ти е помило. 
Ги обожавам и AMD и Nvidia.
Значи немаш тестирано доволно за да извлечиш заклучок. Ок. Така кажи.

А добро не ми е јасно што толку сте запнале со тој SSD.
Што е побитно според вас, добро куќиште, напојување и просесор? Па потаму ссд, кое се монтира за 3 мин.
Или се тоа погоре да страда сега, заради ссд - то?
Here's something you might not know. Most companies that sell power supplies don't actually make them. They slap a sticker on someone elses unit (
Gigabayt) and sell it as their own (commonly referred to as "rebadged"). While many of them have their own features added to try and niche out a spot in a crowded market, this usually doesn't hurt it's performance and might even improve it functionally, not just add shiny eye candy. Many though, it's just eye candy. And many do absolutely nothing... they just slap a sticker on the side.
(some TTGI - Super-Flower, OCZ, EPower/Tagan, RaidMax, Vantec, ACI)
FSP - Fortron Source Power (Fortron, Sparkle,
Cooler Master*, Zalman, Aopen)
CWT - Channel Well Technology
(Antec, Lead Power, Enermax, Xclio, Turbolink)
While these top three encompass more than the re-badges I've named, you can usually bet on a solid performer if you pick one of them. It's highly debatable which are better than others, of course. But all in all, everyone has had pretty good experiences. Not suprisingly, they are priced accordingly. None of them in the 400W range are going to be under $50. If your power supply is one of the above, chances are you can trust both the unit itself and it's claims on wattage per line.