Еве што ми стигна денес на mail, од E-bay во врска со порачаниот производ...
Unfortunately, we had to remove this listing and cancel all bids. We don't like to remove listings -- it's disappointing for everyone -- but sometimes we need to do it.
There are three main reasons why we remove listings:
-- The listing doesn't follow eBay guidelines.
-- The item isn't allowed on eBay or can only be listed under certain conditions.
-- The listing contains pictures or words that may create copyright or trademark issues.
If the seller is able to fix the problem and relist the item, we hope you'll bid on it again.
Sometimes, instead of relisting an item, a seller will suggest that you buy it directly from him or her, off eBay. If that happens, please don't accept. If anything goes wrong with the purchase, we won't be able to help you.
-- If you have questions --
Due to concerns about member privacy, we can't share any details about why the listing was removed, but we'd be glad to answer any other questions you might have. Here's the best way to contact us:
1. Click "Help" at the top of most eBay pages. You may need to sign in.
2. Click "Contact Us."
You'll be asked to describe what's going on, and we'll suggest the best way to get in touch.
We're really sorry about the inconvenience.
Дали сте имале вакво или слично искуство, и што би требало да значи ова? Не ми е јасно, зошто ова ми стига дури сега, дека мора да ги откажат сите наддавања за овај производ, а мене производот ми е испратен и купен веќе од Е-бај уште на 19 - ти Март. Се надевам дека не чекав за џабе до сега, и дека сатот ќе стигни.