Автор Тема: Сѐ за авто електрика и електроника - проблеми и нивно решение  (Прочитано 1524 пати)

Присутен nestor04

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Отворам нова тема со цел решавање на проблеми во врска со авто електрика и електроника.
Темава може да послужи за споделување на шеми, помош при поврзување, помош при дијагностика, помош при решавање на некој проблем од страна на електрика и електроника и слично. Се надевам дека ќе биде од корист.

Присутен nestor04

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Да ја започниме темава со дијагностика на опел астра г.
Постојат два методи за self-дијагностика без уред за дијагностика.
Првиот метод најчесто работи кај бензинци, вториот на дизели.
Првиот метод е со помош на спајалица, се спојуваат пин 5 и 6 на ОБД портот.
Вториот метод е метод со притискање на педала за гас и туража.
Двата се тестирани од моја страна и работат.

Метод 1

Reading ECU Fault Codes
Astra 'G' (MK4)

Depending on the year of your Astra G, you may be able to read fault codes yourself if the engine light comes on while driving...

On the instrument panel, in the same dial as the Tachometer (rev counter).
The light has to be on for more than 30 seconds to record a fault code.

Fault Code Reading Procedure:-

Remove the panel under the hand brake.

Slide a small screwdriver between the cover under the handbrake and the gearlever surround, and prise the cover upwards.

You'll see the diagnostics plug, with a protective dust cover on it.
Remove the dust cover.
You'll then see the neccessary pins in the diagnostics plug.

Short pins 5 and 6, with a paperclip or copper wire, with the ignition OFF.

..| [][][][][][][][]|.

Turn on the ignition.
The Engine light will begin to flash

The Astra G uses the Simtec 70 ECU.
The diagnostics procedure of the Simtec 56.5 is the same as for the newer 70.x management.

The following chapters are taken from the How To on www.topbuzz.co.uk

The Simtec 56.5 fuel systems use a 4 digit flash code. The engine ideally needs to be running when reading the fault codes, otherwise it may show incorrect fault codes.

Once the wire link is in place and the engine is running, the ECU warning lamp will begin to flash out the codes (wait for the initial boot up check that lights up all the warning lamps). Each fault code is repeated 3 times and then it moves onto the next one (if any). Once at the end of the logged fault code list, it will go to the beginning again, giving you plenty of time to note down the code (on each fault code shown, there will be a pause before it shows the next one). It will carry on like this for ever until you remove the key from the ignition or the battery runs flat. To clear the codes simply turn on and off the ignition 30 times with a 5 second 'on' gap in-between (time allowed for self check to finish).

For example, lets say there was a ECU warning lamp noted and the owner wanted to read what fault code was logged. The owner has already put the wire link in place and switched on the ignition. A flash is indicated by an astrix (*) and a pause is shown as a dash (-).

Note that 10 flashes = number 0.

**********-*-*-***** (10 flashs, 1 pause, 1 flash, 1 pause , 1 flash, 1 pause and 5 flashes = P code 0115)
**********-*-*-***** (0115)
**********-*-*-***** (0115)

**********-***-***-********** (0330)
**********-***-***-********** (0330)
**********-***-***-********** (0330)

**********-*-*-***** (0115)
**********-*-*-***** (0115)
**********-*-*-***** (0115)

**********-***-***-********** (0330)
**********-***-***-********** (0330)
**********-***-***-********** (0330)

Owner then takes the key out of the ignition.

Lets go through what has happened. After switching on the ignition, the dash board lights up showing the self check, after that all the lights go out and the ECU warning light begins to flash the error code. There is no initiation flash code, the ECU will flash out the fault codes straight away. This is repeated 3 times.

P code 0115 means 'Intake manifold pressure sensor', i.e. there is most likely a faulty unit or a bad connection at its plug. It flashes this 3 times before going to the next fault code. Remember to show a 0 number it flashes the ECU warning lamp 10 times.

The next code is code 0330 which means 'Knock sensor 2' which suggests the engine has two knock sensors on it, hence the 2nd one is faulty or has bad connections. Again this flashes the same fault P code 3 times before moving onto the next. In this case it there are no more faults and the P codes repeat themselves.

The owner can switch off the ignition. A healthy car should display no fault codes what so ever, i.e. the ECU warning lamp never comes on or flashes. Some ECU systems will also show code 0335 because it doesn't see the engine turning over, this is not a fault because you haven't started the car. Simply start the engine and read the fault codes again. If 0335 shows again while the engine is on, then its a fault. To find out what fuel system you have, read the "Fault Code Chart" below.

Siemens Simtec Fault Code Chart (P Codes):

0100 Mass Air Flow (MAF) sensor
0105 Intake manifold pressure sensor
0110 Intake Air Temperature Sesnor (ATS)
0115 Intake Coolant Temperature Sesnor (CTS)
0120 Throttle Potentiometer Sensor (TPS)
0130 Heated Exhaust Gas Oxygen (HEGO) sensor
0135 Heated Exhaust Gas Oxygen (HEGO) sensor heater
0150 Heated Exhaust Gas Oxygen (HEGO) sensor
0173 Heated Exhaust Gas Oxygen (HEGO) sensor
0201 Injector valve 1
0202 Injector valve 2
0203 Injector valve 3
0204 Injector valve 4
0205 Injector valve 5
0206 Injector valve 6
0230 Fuel pump
0325 Knock sensor
0330 Knock sensor 2
0335 Crank sensor
0340 Camshaft sensor
0351 Ignition coil 1 and 4
0352 Ignition coil 2 and 3
0400 Exhaust gas circulation valve
0403 Exhaust Gas Re-circulation (EGR) valve
0410 Secondary air pump relay
0412 Secondary solenoid valve
0433 Tank vent valve
0500 Idle speed stepper motor/idle air regulator
0560 Battery
1110 Switch over valve solenoid
1112 Switch over valve 1
1113 Switch over valve 2
1120 Throttle body malfunction
1229 Power supply relay
1231 Fuel pump relay
1320 Knock control cylinder 1
1327 Knock control cylinder 2
1328 Knock control cylinder 3
1329 Knock control cylinder 4
1405 Exhaust Gas Re-circulation (EGR) valve
1410 Secondary air pump relay
1411 Secondary air pump
1501 Immobiliser control unit
1502 Immobiliser control unit
1503 Immobiliser control unit
1530 Air flow relay
1600 Internal control module
1601 Engine Control Unit (ECU) too hot
1602 Knock control module
1604 Knock control unit
1605 Knock control unit
1606 Knock control unit
1640 Knock control unit or quad drive module
1690 MIL/Engine fail (malfunction indicator lamp)
1740 Torque control unit

Метод 2

Difficulty: Easy
Time: 5 minutes
Pen and Paper (to write down the codes)
Quick reactions (to catch the codes)
Good eyesight (to watch the light!)

I bet you are thinking right now: "What is a pedal test?!"

A pedal test is a way of getting the car to flash up codes on the engine light. This is the also called the SVS (Service Vehicle Soon), or the MIL (Malfunction Indicator Lamp). It looks like this:

You would want to use this if your car is running badly, and the engine light is on while you are driving, because of some fault. It may work for other warning lights. The error codes that come up will be flashed out by the yellow engine light.
When you get into the car, there are 3 places the key can be. Usually it's the first for the radio. The 2nd for the dashboard and info display, and then the starter for the 3rd.

Before you put the key in the ignition, press the brake and the accelerator to the floor (as far as they will go)

Now. Then turn the key until the dash comes on.


Wait 2 seconds and keep the pedals down to the floor. The service light should start flashing

It will start flashing. The number of flashes represents the digit of the code.

Basically, this means that the number:
1 = 1 flash
2 = 2 flashes
3 = 3 flashes
4 = 4 flashes
5 = 5 flashes
6 = 6 flashes
7 = 7 flashes
8 = 8 flashes
9 = 9 flashes
0 = 10 flashes (That is a zero)

Then there is a break of 2 seconds. It will then flash the next code and so on. Make sure you have a pen and paper, as it can be fast, and you don't want the wrong code!

If your code for example is 1230 you will get:
1 flash
2 second break
2 flashes
2 second break
3 flashes
2 second break
10 flashes

Then if you have another code, it will stop for a break of 2 seconds to give you the next code.

If you don’t have any codes stored it will just simply keep on flashing constantly until you release the pedals
Problems with this method...​
1. You cannot tell if the codes are present (i.e. Happening Now). This means that the codes could be from ages ago and they could still flash up
2. You cannot clear the codes. That means again, that codes from ages ago which aren't present (i.e. not happening any more) will still come up
3. You obviously can't record live data to post here.
4. It doesn't work on older Vauxhall/Opel cars (usually before 2000)

Отсутен AllMightyMe

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Браво з напишаното, верувам дека ќе му се најде на некој како со твојот автомобил.

Присутен nestor04

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Педал тест исто така работи и на астра Х, но таа дава ECN код кој може да се пронајде со мало пребарување на google, имаше исто така и апликација за андроид, но не го знам името.

Присутен nestor04

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Со цел да не отворам нова тема, тука може да прашувате слободно за кодови за радија за фиат, алфа, форд, рено и некои модели на опел (car 300 кој е вградуван во астра ф,г и некои такви постари модели).
Кодови за ВАГ групација немам, но може да побарам по цена од 10-15€ во зависност од моделот.
За останатите модели кодовите се бесплатни.

Отсутен Zile

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  • Плинаш!!!
Нека стигне чипот за клучот од али и очекувај да те барам ако заглавам.

Присутен nestor04

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Нема проблем. Можи и во темава да напишиме нешто околу процедурата.  ;)
Воедно среќен роденден.
« Последно менување: 28 Април 2023, 20:30:22 pm nestor04 »

Отсутен Zile

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Фала за честитките! Да можеш и тука да ја објасниш процедурата, јас сеуште немам искуство

Присутен nestor04

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Ќе излези дека темава е само за опели до 2004 😂
Еве едно корисно видео за програмирање на клуч комплетно со далечинско за опел(истото е кај астра ф, г, х, ј, инсигниа а, зафира а, б, ц само што кај некои модели после 2010та се влегува во мени кое е под друго име, но процедурата е потполно иста)
Првото видео е за постари модели на опел -2004
Второто видео е за понови модели на опел 2009+

Отсутен Zile

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Меривата ми е 2006та и најверојатно првото клипче ќе ми треба. Туку нормално јас и ти да пишуваме за опели, тоа возиме. Во темава може да пише секој за било која кола, така нема никој да не нападне.

Отсутен Boshe

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Мене само едно ме мачи што ми рече Нено во врска со бравата кај мене. Рече дека не можело да ја заклучувам колата од брава бидејќи морало само со "оригиналниот" клуч.
Рече дека Астри и Корси го имале тој проблем.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Remember to keep yourself alive, there is nothing more important than that

Отсутен Zile

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Ми нема логика тоа. Ако се направи копија на клуч не глеам причина да неможеш да ја отклучиш/заклучиш со клучот. Како колата ќе препознае дали е оргинал или не клучот?

Присутен nestor04

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И јас мислам исто како @Zile
Јас имам трет обичен резервен клуч(како од Југо) и може слободно да се отклучи вратата механички.

Отсутен Boshe

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Не ми е ни мене јасно тоа. До душа јас не можам ниту со оригиналниот да ја заклучам целата кола. Ја заклучува само возачката врата.
Remember to keep yourself alive, there is nothing more important than that

Присутен nestor04

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Да, на корса Д се заклучува само возачката врата со клуч во брава.