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Како и секој бензинец, ако сакате моќ, ќе треба да го цепите до крај.
Trying to compare a diesel and petrol engine with similar peak power outputs is rarely going to make the petrol look good.
People talk about how diesel engines have more "torque", which is true, but it's a bit of a red herring.
Power output at a given RPM is what matters, and generally, diesel cars have more power at low revs than petrol cars do. (Especially if the petrol engine is a smaller capacity).
Anyway, here are the power characteristics of the two engines, and the same data in graphical form.

You can see that at 2000rpm, the diesel is providing about 95 BHP, but the petrol is only providing about 70 BHP.
At 3000 rpm, the diesel is already nearly at peak power at about 143 BHP, while at the same rpm, the petrol is at about 108 BHP (give or take a bit).
In the case of these two engines, the diesel is always more powerful than the petrol at the same RPM, until the diesel runs out of puff as it goes over 3500 and power drops off (not that the manufacturer provides that data), just as the petrol is really getting into its stride.
And that is why this 2.0 150PS diesel "feels" quicker at lower revs than the 1.5TSI 150PS, because it is quite a bit more powerful throughout the rev range of the diesel, until it reaches max RPM.