Das schönste Geschenk machen sich die Schwaben selbst:
den GT i40 auf Basis des Opel GT mit einem 480 PS starken V8-Motor aus der Corvette.

It's the ingredients that make the difference! And here is the menu: A 6,0l V8-engine with 480PS in an Opel GT-body for excellent driving performance. Perfectly prepared and served a la maison.
For 40 now Irmscher has been providing proof of its competence in matters of vehicle construction and individualisation. On the occasion of the company's 35th anniversary the most powerful and strongest of the Opel Vectras had caused a stir by reaching a speed of more than 300km/h. However, that which is emerging from the factory floors in Remshalden for the company's 40th anniversary is a vehicle for the true connoisseur: the Irmscher Opel GT i40. The figures in the model's number stand for the data of the company: Gunther Irmscher senior started up in 1968 in Winnenden with the first vehicle modifications. In the person of Gunther Irmscher junior, the second generation is at the fore of the company in 2008 and is proof that 40 years of company history should be celebrated properly at this anniversary.
V8-engine and a driving performance that puts it in the company of thoroughbred sports cars male the experts sit up and take notice and connoisseurs tingle with anticipation. As it is known that appearances also matter, the GT is optically enhanced by means of a discreet modification to the car body, and, on the interior with an exclusive leather fitting.
For desert, Irmscher serves the news that the vehicle is to be produced in a small series. The appropriate attention is being paid to this already. The menu therefore also exists in takeaway form.
The GT i40 currently stands in a long tradition of elect vehicles.V8-engines have always had an important role to play at Irmscher. In this line of history stand the Senator V8 and not least the successful races in the Omega V8 with the F1-driver Johnny Cecotto at the wheel, who was able to win the championship twice.
Special models with the "I" in their name have always had their place in the company history. The GT i40 here lines up with a whole row of other vehicles, from the i120, i130, i200 ... via the i500 to the i35 which appeared for the company's 35th anniversary. At that time, a compressor helped enhance the performance of a V6-Motor. The result was the fastest Opel limousine in series production in the world. 5 years later it is a V8 that will cause a sensation in a Roadster.
Leka nok hejtercinja...wherever you are.