Автор Тема: opel tigra 1.6 turbo  (Прочитано 272902 пати)


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Одг: opel tigra 1.6 turbo
« Одговори #690 на: 23 Октомври 2011, 22:45:33 pm »
Da razjasnime so kubikazata to 1.6 e pritisok na turboto

Отсутен NUME

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Одг: opel tigra 1.6 turbo
« Одговори #691 на: 24 Октомври 2011, 00:12:05 am »
 ;D ;D ;D ne gocka ne ide nad 1 bar  ;)

Отсутен djidji

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Одг: opel tigra 1.6 turbo
« Одговори #692 на: 24 Октомври 2011, 01:05:04 am »
;D ;D ;D ;D krajot e na horizontot, denes se naracani

-NGK iridium svekici so poseben toplincki indeks,
-AEM wide band so digitalen meren istrument za pratenje na odnosot na eksplozivnata smesa (dali e bogata ili siromasna), o2(lamda) senzor i moznost za steliuanje na smesata gorivo vozduh
-regulator za gorivo so odnos 1:1 sto znaci pri rastenje na pritisok da ne se trpa poveke gorivo tuku kolata da si siba na pritisok  ;)
ajt neka e so sreka ..... ;) 8)

Честитки и од мене за ова ремек дело !!! Допрва ќе се збори и пишува за ѕверов :)
Не го разбрав само болдираното, би ве замолил малце подетално ... Tnx ;)

Отсутен NUME

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Одг: opel tigra 1.6 turbo
« Одговори #693 на: 24 Октомври 2011, 02:11:23 am »
pri rastenje na pritisokot vo motorot (turbo) se zgolemuva i ....aaa me mrzi da kucam na drz  ;D :D ;)

The installation of an aftermarket fuel pressure regulator allows for the adjustment of fuel pressure to suit larger aftermarket injectors and other engine modifications. They are also necessary to regulate and flow increased volumes of fuel pumped by high flow aftermarket fuel pumps.
Fuel pressure regulator, which works with the fuel pump to maintain a steady pressure relationship between the fuel line side of the injectors and the intake manifold.

Most adjustable regulators are still one to one or close to that, however you can adjust the pressure at idle or full throttle for fine tuning. There is one other type of regulator that is used with aftermarket forced induction. These are rising rate regulators commonly called FMU's (fuel management unit). These regulators increase fuel pressure at a multiplication factor of boost. So instead of messing with complicated computers and injection duty cycles, these systems just increase fuel pressure to add fuel. They go inline down from the factory regulators and only start to add pressure under boost. So when you are off boost, you maintain factory tuning and drivability. Only as you get boost does the FMU begin to increase fuel pressure

tigrata ima golemi indzektori i 2 pumpi za gorivo.... ;)

Отсутен MartinAlfista

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Одг: opel tigra 1.6 turbo
« Одговори #694 на: 24 Октомври 2011, 02:23:34 am »
Епа ако не влече додатно гориво, тогаш ептен економична ќе биде :D

Отсутен google

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Одг: opel tigra 1.6 turbo
« Одговори #695 на: 24 Октомври 2011, 02:24:06 am »
;D ;D ;D ne gocka ne ide nad 1 bar  ;)
E da be, ti znaes GOCKA neznae...

Отсутен Mato_Zlato

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Одг: opel tigra 1.6 turbo
« Одговори #696 на: 24 Октомври 2011, 13:53:53 pm »
pri rastenje na pritisokot vo motorot (turbo) se zgolemuva i ....aaa me mrzi da kucam na drz  ;D :D ;)

The installation of an aftermarket fuel pressure regulator allows for the adjustment of fuel pressure to suit larger aftermarket injectors and other engine modifications. They are also necessary to regulate and flow increased volumes of fuel pumped by high flow aftermarket fuel pumps.
Fuel pressure regulator, which works with the fuel pump to maintain a steady pressure relationship between the fuel line side of the injectors and the intake manifold.

Most adjustable regulators are still one to one or close to that, however you can adjust the pressure at idle or full throttle for fine tuning. There is one other type of regulator that is used with aftermarket forced induction. These are rising rate regulators commonly called FMU's (fuel management unit). These regulators increase fuel pressure at a multiplication factor of boost. So instead of messing with complicated computers and injection duty cycles, these systems just increase fuel pressure to add fuel. They go inline down from the factory regulators and only start to add pressure under boost. So when you are off boost, you maintain factory tuning and drivability. Only as you get boost does the FMU begin to increase fuel pressure

tigrata ima golemi indzektori i 2 pumpi za gorivo.... ;)

и stand alone ECU што значи се што пишува горе пропаѓа во вода и тотално е непотребен таков FPR ;)

Отсутен 2fast4you

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Одг: opel tigra 1.6 turbo
« Одговори #697 на: 24 Октомври 2011, 13:59:00 pm »
 ;D fala bogu nekoj zabeleza  ;D

Отсутен ViksaSk

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Одг: opel tigra 1.6 turbo
« Одговори #698 на: 24 Октомври 2011, 16:27:13 pm »
@Martin: Алал да ми ти е! Се согласувам!

@Riki: Врбувај ги тие уште од сеа, да праиме неколку пробни фотосесии со нив ;)
Јас ке им обезбедам соблекувална а после вие како сакате облакајте ги хехе


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Одг: opel tigra 1.6 turbo
« Одговори #699 на: 24 Октомври 2011, 16:37:25 pm »
Ako treba i ke gi soblakame

Отсутен Mato_Zlato

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Одг: opel tigra 1.6 turbo
« Одговори #700 на: 24 Октомври 2011, 16:43:53 pm »
Ako treba i ke gi soblakame

гоцка седи ти мирен  :D


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Одг: opel tigra 1.6 turbo
« Одговори #701 на: 24 Октомври 2011, 16:46:55 pm »
Ke pomagam ako treba


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Одг: opel tigra 1.6 turbo
« Одговори #702 на: 24 Октомври 2011, 16:51:43 pm »
Cim e tigrata vo prasanje ako treba se od pocetok

Отсутен RikiRulz

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Одг: opel tigra 1.6 turbo
« Одговори #703 на: 25 Октомври 2011, 02:54:52 am »
Све ке средиме... све... :)

Отсутен Спенсер

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Одг: opel tigra 1.6 turbo
« Одговори #704 на: 25 Октомври 2011, 12:25:02 pm »
Алооо... внатрешноста е перверзии :) ѕвер бе ѕвер!!!