Али еве, баш ме заинтересира, па најдов уште пар други работи. На пример, Universitet Leiden (Холандија), конкретно на BSc in Computer Science смерот вика:
„If you miss more than 15% of the classes you have to be able to document extenuating circumstances for all absences. The exact number of classes you can miss, may differ per course due to the design. In a course in which students have two meetings per week, you can miss two sessions due to extenuating circumstances.
Missing more than 15% without extenuating circumstances for all absences means a fail for the course. If you need to miss a class, inform your course instructor before class starts.“
Дополнително, ми улета и истражување на тема „Impact of absenteeism on academic performance“
„Specifically, first– and second-year students are the most affected in their academic
performance if they do not attend class, with 21% of variance explained. These findings highlight the relevance
of providing special attention to attendance of students in the first and second year and to put more energy into
setting up dropout-reducing measures during the early phases of the degree (Larsen et al., 2013b) where the
impact of absenteeism on performance is more significant than in other academic years, and because of the
importance of the first year to increase chances of completing studies in HE (Bijsmans & Schakel, 2018). In the
third and fourth years, the effect is smaller, but it still explains between 12% and 15% of the variance of the final
grade, so the policy may have an effect. “
Само еден предмет од сите положени ми е затоа што сум одел на предавања, ама и ова не е за фалење затоа што предметот беше прелесен.
Па тааааака кажи, дека
ти не си одел на предавања, а не дека не треба да се оди или дека никаде во свет го нема тоа.