Па фино ти е објаснето на линкот...нема ништо нејасно. Само прати ги чекорите.
Или ако не ти се пратат, ондак треба да платиш некого да изгуби едно два три часа за да ти го среди и тоа.

Download the app called TASKER. You'll be using this to automate your tablet to work in your car. Its a little intimiБлокирано at first, but I'll give you the settings I use and you can play with it from there.
You'll need to make two profiles, CAR ON, and CAR OFF.
1.Secure Settings
configuration airplane mode disabled
2.Auto Brightness
Set On
Set On
Set On
5. Secure Settings
Configuration GPS enabled
6. Display Timeout
12 hours
7. Media Volume
Level 15
1.Display Timeout
7 sec
Set Off
3. Bluetooth
Set Off
4.Secure Settings
Configuration GPS Disabled
5.Secure Settings
Configuration Airplane Mode Enabled
Plug your power cable in, and take it out to see if your tablet responds!
Another option (what I am using now) is to have your tablet turn on and off completely with the car. This is a little bit more tricky. I found this on the forum written by "tapan". Here