Автор Тема: ГМО  (Прочитано 408086 пати)

Отсутен Van

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« Одговори #465 на: 09 Април 2014, 01:02:27 am »

Ах, нултата хипотеза... Зошто па да не, малку ментална гимнастика пред спиење.
ОК, ајде малку наука тогаш.
Еве и со peer-reviewed (волшебниот збор за некои) студии ќе ги поткрепувам излагањава... Останете со мене, тие што сте писмени и не страдате од АДД

Хипотеза: ГМ сојата е нутритивно и содржински иста како и не-ГМ сојата
Нулта хипотеза: ГМ сојата никако НЕ Е нутритивно и содржински иста како и природната не-ГМ соја

Во peer-reviewed студијата од Thomas Bøhn koja ја линкам подолу, јасно е побиена горната хипотеза и покажано е дека ГМ сојата никако НЕ Е нутритивно и содржински иста како и природната не-ГМ соја. Накратко извадок од студијата:
The researchers looked at chemical composition of the soy samples including composition of protein, fat and sugar content, as well as individual amino acids, vitamins, fatty acids and elements. Organic soy samples show significant differences from both GM and conventional non-GM soybean samples, with higher and lower levels of protein and saturated fats respectively, plus significant differences in levels of total as well as individual levels of amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. A further statistical multivariate analysis of the compositional results found without exception that each individual soybean sample could be discriminated statistically into their respective agricultural background, even excluding the data on glyphosate/AMPA levels. The organic soybean was nutritionally superior to both conventionally grown non-GM soybean and GM soybean.
Студијата во ПДФ:

Понатаму исто за сојата:
Хипотеза: Хербицидот Roundup e одличен затоа што бргу се разложува после употребата и никако не се акумулира во ГМ сојата.
Нулта хипотеза: Индустријата лаже дека хербицидот Roundup не се акумулира во ГМ сојата после употребата на истиот.

Во погоре спомната peer-reviewed студија од Thomas Bøhn, со резултатите од тестирањата јасно е покажано дека во ГМ сојата се најдени значителни траги од хербицидот Roundup. Релевантен извадок од студијата:
GM and non-GM soybeans not substantially equivalent

A more recent study led by Thomas Bøhn at the Norwegian Centre for Biosafety [9] tested 31 batches of whole soybeans from Iowa, US in three categories: 1) GM glyphosate-tolerant soy; 2) unmodified soy cultivated using conventional “chemical” regime and 3) unmodified organically cultivated soy. The three groups were analysed for chemical contamination (organochlorine, organophosphorus, pyrethroides, PCBs, glyphosate and AMPA (aminomethylphosponic acid - the major degradation product of glyphosate) based on the list of pesticide brand names used by the farmers) as well as nutritional content.               
Testing pesticide levels is important as substantial equivalence assessments for GM glyphosate-tolerant soy were not previously done with herbicide residue in the crop despite common knowledge that glyphosate is actually taken into the plant, and also alters the metabolism and biochemistry, and hence the chemical composition of crops. Any assessment of its equivalence is obviously irrelevant when glyphosate is not included.

The results couldn’t be clearer. As shown in Figure 1, glyphosate and AMPA were only present in GM soy samples and not at all in conventional non-GM and organic varieties. In the GM-soy samples, the concentration of AMPA (mean concentration = 5.74 mg/kg) was on average nearly twice as high as glyphosate (3.26 mg/kg).  Other herbicides were detected: Fluazifop-P a selective phenoxy herbicide, was found at a concentration of 0.078 mg/kg in one of the GM-soy samples, malathion was found at a concentration of 0.02 mg/kg in one of the conventional soy samples and Dieldrin was found at a concentration of 0.002 mg/kg in one of the organic soy samples. No other residues were detected. Additional testing for pesticide residues in pooled samples of GM, conventional and organic soybeans showed trace-levels of Alpha-endosulfane, Trans-nonachlor and Trans-chlordane, all close to the detection limit of 0.05 µg/kg and in all soy types. Dieldrin was also found in very low levels with 0.51, 0.45 and 0.6 µg/kg in GM, conventional and organic soybeans, respectively.

Ајде уште една последна, трета за среќа.
Хипотеза: ГМ пченката е нутритивно и содржински иста како и не-ГМ пченка
Нулта хипотеза: ГМ пченката никако НЕ Е нутритивно и содржински иста како и не-ГМ пченка

Професорот El-Sayed Shaltout од Универзитетот во Александрија направил испитувања од кои јасно се гледа дека споредбено ГМ пченката и не-ГМ пченката, никако не се содржински исти. Еве извадок од публикацијата со испитувањата:
Studies in Egypt showed substantial non-equivalence and toxicity for GM corn

In April 2013, an Egyptian publication led by Professor El-Sayed Shaltout at Alexandria University found that Monsanto’s 810 Corn (Ajeeb-YG®), modified to express the insecticidal Bt Cry1Ab gene, has increased total protein, crude fat, crude fibre & total saccharides and decreased starch content compared with non-GM Ajeeb corn. Abnormal levels of certain amino acids, fatty acids and elements were also recorded [6]. These compositional differences only gave the merest hint of the toxicity of the GM corn revealed in previous male rat feeding studies conducted by the same team documenting a wide range of organ and tissue abnormalities [7, 8]. Liver cells displayed vacuolation and fatty degeneration. The kidneys had congested blood vessels and dilation of renal tubules. The testes showed signs of necrosis and desquamation of spermatogoneal germ cells lining the seminiferous tubules. The spleens were congested with slight lymphocytic depletion. The small intestines showed hyperplasia and hyperactivation of mucous secretory glands, with necrosis of intestinal villi. Most certainly, the GM corn was not substantially equivalent to non-GM corn.

Извор за податоците:

Треба ли уште нултата хипотеза примери?
Науката како и мечот има две оштрици, иако во основа е само алатка која можеш да ја искористиш (ако знаеш како) но сепак пази да не се исечеш самиот себе.

Ти Дени изгледа ни самиот не знаеше што сакаш да кажеш со претходниов пост.
Повторно чисто позирање од твоја страна, џабе ти е теоријата кога никако не ја применуваш во пракса. Што да заклучиме освен дека си премногу мрзлив за да напишеш нешто свое, или поверојатно -дека не разбираш ни пола од работите со кои се расфрлаш, па затоа не ни можеш да напишеш свое сопствено мислење на оваа тема.
Како што кажав другпат, copy-paste може да прави и бот од десетина килобајти код.

Отсутен Deni

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« Одговори #466 на: 09 Април 2014, 09:43:31 am »

These act as a driver for poor quality research: drop a few features like double-blindness and random selection integrity and suddenly you get some statistical blips. These blips are publishable, and you can claim that there is some effect and justify the publication. These papers flood the journals, and due to the vastness of medicine, not all of them can be examined thoroughly. Some papers make it through the cracks claiming effects and news sources pick them up. Other groups try to reproduce the results and find different results which get published for being a hot topic, and this in turn leads to the sensationalist crap headlines like electric fields cause cancer, autism, blindness etc. etc. BUT THEYRE JUST ALL BLIPS![/b]
(Фотографијата е скриена. Кликни тука за да ја прикажеш..)

Отсутен Van

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« Одговори #467 на: 09 Април 2014, 09:57:38 am »

Отсутен Van

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« Одговори #468 на: 09 Април 2014, 10:08:43 am »
Инаку студијата од Thomas Bøhn е „peer-reviewed„.
Но ОК е, се е јасно со самото тоа што го игнорираш истото тоа што упорно го бараш. Позирањето ти е 100% проѕирно.

Ај продужи даље, направи пак copy-paste на нешто што не го разбираш.   ;)

Отсутен LosiPatista

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« Одговори #469 на: 09 Април 2014, 13:23:20 pm »
Кога ќе ослаби Америка многу работи во светот ќе тргнат на подобро. Ќе го снема ГоМнотО како за почеток.

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Отсутен Deni

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« Одговори #470 на: 09 Април 2014, 13:25:55 pm »
Сите чекаме на таа прва реченица.

Отсутен Van

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« Одговори #471 на: 09 Април 2014, 13:30:31 pm »
Кога ќе ослаби Америка многу работи во светот ќе тргнат на подобро. Ќе го снема ГоМнотО како за почеток.

Не гледам како ова реално би се случило, освен во некој постапокалиптичен сетинг.
Всушност реалноста е таква да, попрво и ќе направат постапокалиптичен сетинг отколку да го дозволат тоа што го кажуваш.

Отсутен Tischläufer

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« Одговори #472 на: 09 Април 2014, 13:47:11 pm »
Можеме само да се молиме на Кинезите да ја уништат америка, а после територијата да ни ја дадат нас...

... да ја дозаебеме :D

No difference

Oil companies = GMO companies.

Со една слика јас мислам дека се разјаснува што сака Ван да каже.
« Последно менување: 09 Април 2014, 18:46:19 pm Falangasaurus »

Отсутен DarthJe5us

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« Одговори #473 на: 10 Април 2014, 01:03:36 am »
ГМО или не повкусна јагода не сум јадел оддамна.

Отсутен onak

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« Одговори #474 на: 10 Април 2014, 01:05:00 am »
од кај ја зеде? да не е уште од трафикана кај што влезе? а гледам тро и банани ти останале ;D ;D (леле уште колку ремет ке јадеш еј...)

шала на страна, од кај ја зеде?
кликни на било кој, нема да утнеш, сите водат на исто место, во исто време

Отсутен DarthJe5us

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« Одговори #475 на: 10 Април 2014, 01:09:49 am »
Во Веро Џамбо. Во онакви пластични кутии беа и сите беа големи, ама оваа најголема. :D

Отсутен LosiPatista

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« Одговори #476 на: 10 Април 2014, 06:24:20 am »
A new bill introduced in Congress looks to ban states from implementing their own labeling laws when it comes to food containing genetically engineered ingredients.

According to Reuters, US Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-Kan.) introduced the legislation on Wednesday, which is intended to head off bills in about 24 states that would require companies to inform customers when their food is produced using genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Titled the “Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act,” the proposal would forbid states from enacting such proposals.

"We've got a number of states that are attempting to put together a patchwork quilt of food labeling requirements with respect to genetic modification of foods," Pompeo told Reuters. "That makes it enormously difficult to operate a food system. Some of the campaigns in some of these states aren't really to inform consumers but rather aimed at scaring them. What this bill attempts to do is set a standard."

Supporters of GMO labeling argue that modified ingredients pose a threat to human health, and that as a result they should be clearly labeled in the marketplace so that consumers can make informed decisions. In addition to health concerns, they also point to the negative environmental consequences that could arise from widespread GMO use, since millions of acres of farmland and weeds are developing resistances to the pesticides used.

Opponents, however, point to their own studies, showing that GMO crops are safe and therefore do not need to be labeled differently than other products.

"It has to date made food safer and more abundant," Pompeo said. "It has been an enormous boon to all of humanity."

Pompeo’s bill has drawn the ire of the Center for Food Safety advocacy group, which noted his ties to the biotech company Monsanto and the Koch Industries corporation.

“[The] selection of Congressman Pompeo as their champion shows how extreme the proposal really is,” said Colin O’Neil, director of government affairs for Center for Food Safety. “Selecting Pompeo creates an unholy alliance between Monsanto and Koch Industries, two of the most reviled corporations in America.”

As RT reported last year, polling around the United States tends to find that a large majority of Americans favor GMO labeling, yet ballot initiatives to do just that keep failing in multiple states – an outcome advocates have blamed on huge amounts of corporate spending intended to move public opinion against the measures.

Meanwhile, another GMO flashpoint could be developing in Oregon, where Monsanto and five other agrochemical corporations are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to oppose a measure that would ban the growth of GMO crops in Jackson County.

“This is a staggering amount of money for a local ordinance,” said Center for Food Safety senior attorney George Kimbrell. “For every vote they might get, Monsanto and its pals could afford to take each voter out for a fancy steak dinner.”

With the help of these companies, groups opposing the ban have raised nearly $800,000 to promote their view on the bill. Supporters of the ban, on the other hand, have a little more than $100,000 combined.

"It goes to prove just how much money is coming from outside of our county," Elise Higley, director of Our Family Farms Coalition, told The Oregonian. "The general reaction is that people are really angry that outsiders are pouring this much money into a county measure."

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Отсутен LosiPatista

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« Одговори #477 на: 16 Април 2014, 08:57:22 am »

France’s lower house of parliament passed a law Tuesday prohibiting genetically modified (GM) maize from being grown, citing environmental concerns. The law can be applied to any GM strain that is adopted at EU level.

The law follows a decree last month, which halted the planting of Monsanto’s insect-resistant maize MON810, which will be allowed for cultivation in the EU, Reuters reported.

But if any strain of GM crop is adopted in the future at EU level – including Pioneer 1507, which was developed by DuPont and Dow Chemical – it will be subsequently banned in France.

Pioneer 1507 could be approved by the EU later this year, after 19 of the 28 EU member states failed to gather enough votes to block it.

The law adopted Tuesday by France's lower house (National Assembly) is similar to one rejected by the upper house (Senate) in February, which was seen as unconstitutional.

“It is essential today to renew a widely shared desire to maintain the French ban. This bill strengthens the decree passed last March by preventing the immediate cultivation of GMO and extending their reach to all transgenic maize varieties” Jean Marie Le Guen, the minister in charge of relations with parliament, told the National Assembly.

The current Socialist-led government in France, like the previous conservative one, has opposed the growing of GM crops because of public suspicion and protests by environmentalists.

Le Guen called for an EU system that would make sure that the decisions of member states not to adopt GM crops could not be challenged legally.

A debate on the future of EU policy is going on at EU level, with the European Commission suggesting an opt-out that would allow individual countries to ban GM crops.

The French ban on GM maize will now have to go to the Senate for approval. However, even if it is rejected again, the National Assembly will have the final say.

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Отсутен Van

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« Одговори #478 на: 16 Април 2014, 13:57:16 pm »
Ете доказ дека протестите носат резултати. Браво за Французите, без разлика што ова е само делумна (и можеби привремена) победа.

Отсутен Van

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« Одговори #479 на: 25 Април 2014, 21:43:45 pm »

Extreme Levels of Monsanto’s Roundup Herbicide Found in Soy Plants

A new study led by scientists from the Arctic University of Norway has detected “extreme levels” of Roundup, the agricultural herbicide manufactured by Monsanto, in genetically engineered (GE) soy.

The study, coming out in June’s issue of Food Chemistry and available online, looked at 31 different soybean plants on Iowa farms and compared the accumulation of pesticides and herbicides on plants in three categories: GE “Roundup Ready” soy, conventionally produced (not GE) soy, and soy cultivated using organic practices. They found high levels of Roundup on 70 percent of GE soy plants.

Crop scientists have genetically engineered soy to survive blasts of Roundup so farmers can spray this chemical near crops to get rid of weeds. But some so-called “super weeds” resistant to Roundup have developed. In turn, some farmers use yet more Roundup to try to kill those hardy weeds. This leads to more Roundup chemicals being found on soybeans and ultimately in the food supply.

Толку од тврдењата дека ГМО растенијата се добри за околината пошто на нив се прскаат помалку хербициди и пестициди. Природата пак наоѓа начин да оствари отпорност на било кој хербицид/пестицид.

Се што прави ГМО индустријата, е развивање на нови мутации кои се отпорни на нови хербициди. Кога природата ќе ги стигне, пак одново. И сето тоа без посебна грижа за другите особини на растението, или неговата безбедност во исхраната на човекот.