Автор Тема: Opel Calibra Turbo 4x4  (Прочитано 427138 пати)

Отсутен Indigo

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Одг: Opel Calibra Turbo 4x4
« Одговори #1755 на: 14 Јануари 2018, 12:29:12 pm »
Ако е до казанчето за парно , ќе се стави ново, оригинал.
Ако не е, ќе се сменат само гумици, кои во понеделник ќе ми стигнат.

За мажење, сеуште не е, но на пролет/лето планирам да ја огласам, но знам каде живеам, така да ни тоа ништо не значи...
Ќе видиме...

Јас планирам да се женам, ако имаш некои планови, прв се кандидирам. Ако купуваш ново оригинал, пиши од каде и колку ќе те чини те молам.

Отсутен Stratro

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Одг: Opel Calibra Turbo 4x4
« Одговори #1756 на: 14 Јануари 2018, 13:51:40 pm »

Отсутен Stratro

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Одг: Opel Calibra Turbo 4x4
« Одговори #1757 на: 14 Јануари 2018, 18:50:55 pm »
Спаваш ли мирно Џереми Кларксон... ;D

Отсутен Deno

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Одг: Opel Calibra Turbo 4x4
« Одговори #1758 на: 16 Јануари 2018, 01:33:41 am »
 Како се вика душичево? Слаткотија е.  :-*

Отсутен Stratro

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Одг: Opel Calibra Turbo 4x4
« Одговори #1759 на: 16 Јануари 2018, 13:44:15 pm »
Теодона (Дона).

Отсутен Stratro

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Одг: Opel Calibra Turbo 4x4
« Одговори #1760 на: 20 Јануари 2018, 22:45:51 pm »
Инфо на кое налетав...

Vauxhall Cavalier/Calibra Turbo Owners Guide:

The Vauxhall Cavalier/Calibra Turbo cars are basically the same as any other Cavalier and Calibra and so normal care and maintenance are exactly the same. There are however a few main differences that need extra attention to prevent any problems and they relate mainly to the drive train of the car. Get these right and it will run forever (providing you do the normal maintenance as well).

So here are some pointers, basically about owning a Cav/Calibra Turbo:

The 2 main "weaknesses" of the Cav Turbo (and Calibra) are:

A:The Turbo –

i - As long as you treat it the correct way then there will be no problems. Use Vauxhall
semi-synthetic oil and change it every 3000 miles or so (not the 9000 that GM recommend).

ii - Warm the engine up properly before driving hard. This means driving for about 20 mins normally to warm the oil etc NOT jus 5 mins till the water temp rises.

iii - Cool the turbo down properly as well before you park up. By this, I mean drive the last 3-4 miles of your journey "off-boost" or nice and gently so the turbo aint working hard. Once at your stop, idle the engine for about 30-45 secs MAX before turning off. This is very important if you have been driving hard.

Fit a boost gauge to the car to let you know when it’s on boost or not. Takes 1-2 hours tops

The reason for this is, when you turn the engine off, the supply of oil to the charger is stopped as the oil pump stops. If the turbo is hot (these things can glow white hot when driven hard for miles and miles) then the oil cooks on the turbo. If this is done again and again then, over time, this will result in the oilways becoming clogged in baked oil. The oil can then not flow correctly and so lubricate effectively which will reduce engine and turbo life dramatically.... much the same way fat clogs your arteries after a while..... the car has a heart attack (to put it simply).

The 30-45 sec MAX rule is due to the fact that when the engine is idling, the demand for oil by the engine is very low and so the turbine seals become swamped with oil. Some of this oil can blow past the seals and burn off on the turbines (blue smoke from exhaust). This is fine as even new turbos do this. HOWEVER.... if this is serious or constant then the large volumes of oil that hits the turbine carbonises instantly due to the extreme heat. Carbon is VERY good at cutting through metal, especially turbine blades that spin at 100,000RPM+.... boom goes your turbo.
Also, the life of the KKK16 turbo as used on these cars is only about 80,000 anyways (manufacturers figures). We all know it can go on longer, but it’s a point to bear in mind...

B: Transfer Box –

The transfer box isn’t that weak really, PROVIDING you stick to some important rules, I mean Russ has had one at 122,000 miles and Dunk (Club Calibra) has his at 196,000 at the moment. They achieved this by following these simple rules

i - Keep the tread depth of the 4 tyres within 2mm of each other. Achieve this by rotating the tyres front to back every 1500 miles or so. This also gives you the chance to check arches, clean alloys properly etc etc so its not a bad deal really.

ii - Use the same make of tyres on ALL wheels.

iii - Change the 4x4 accumulator every 52,000 miles at around £160 fitted at Vauxhall or use AndyK’s Guide to Changing the Accumulator.

iv - Change the transfer box oil every year using AndyK's Guide and Mobilube1 SHC 75W/90 gear oil.

C: Gearbox/Rear Diff –

i - The gearbox used in the C20LET engine is a genuine GETRAG 6 speed item. This box can happily run at up to around 325BHP so its pretty durable and only needs slight attention in the form of changing the gearbox oil once a year.

Again, you can get the info from the same place you got the Transfer Box oil change info
from – AndyK’s Guide

ii - The rear diff on the turbo cars is also pretty solid and comes direct from the GM 4.0 V8 Commodore so, like the gearbox, will run happily and only requires the oil changing once a year with the Transfer Box and Gearbox, again using AndyK’s Guide.

In short, the turbo car will keep you busier, but the experience is amazing when you jus tap the throttle and 204BHP is put out without even a squeal from the tyres, and you jus drive.

Отсутен Stratro

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Одг: Opel Calibra Turbo 4x4
« Одговори #1761 на: 29 Март 2018, 12:54:33 pm »
Kога ќе ја огласам, линков ќе оди во прилог.;D

The Vauxhall Calibra…
The Calibra is a classic, whether you like it or not! If you want to make a few quid, now is the time to buy.


Отсутен MartinAlfista

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  • Alfa Romeo Corruption 1.4 Turbo
Одг: Opel Calibra Turbo 4x4
« Одговори #1762 на: 29 Март 2018, 13:02:22 pm »
Kога ќе ја огласам, линков ќе оди во прилог.;D

The Vauxhall Calibra…
The Calibra is a classic, whether you like it or not! If you want to make a few quid, now is the time to buy.


Со превод на албански по можност. Просечниот купувач на Калибра не разбира англиски. Секоја чест на тебе, исклучокот од ова правило ;D

Отсутен Stratro

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Одг: Opel Calibra Turbo 4x4
« Одговори #1763 на: 29 Март 2018, 13:02:53 pm »
Oбрати се кај ДиЏеј Талат за тоа...Ионака ти меѓу првите ќе мора да го совладаш флуидно. ;D

Отсутен Carpathian Lord

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Одг: Opel Calibra Turbo 4x4
« Одговори #1764 на: 29 Март 2018, 13:37:51 pm »
Спаваш ли мирно Џереми Кларксон... ;D

Малава, партал прави со англискиот еј. Браво. Акцентот spot on :)

Отсутен Stratro

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Одг: Opel Calibra Turbo 4x4
« Одговори #1765 на: 29 Март 2018, 13:46:16 pm »
Мобилен + Јутуб и муабет секој ден со мене...
Не треба повеќе.

Отсутен Stratro

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Одг: Opel Calibra Turbo 4x4
« Одговори #1766 на: 24 Мај 2018, 15:31:29 pm »
Дас Калибра ис бек и ќе се тркала едно месец и пол.

Отсутен Tesla

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Одг: Opel Calibra Turbo 4x4
« Одговори #1767 на: 24 Мај 2018, 18:01:42 pm »
Оградата ти префатила од колите.

Најубав опел на сите времиња.
Me like it.
Koлку км има моментално?
Д'г ж'т в'к п'н б'и - Долг жолт волк полн болви.

Zenu dupe krasi a tortu orasi.

Отсутен Stratro

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Одг: Opel Calibra Turbo 4x4
« Одговори #1768 на: 24 Мај 2018, 18:50:59 pm »
Oградата со се цел двор ќе ја снема летово.
Све јово на ново ќе се реновира.

Има нешто над 220.000 км.

Отсутен Stratro

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Одг: Opel Calibra Turbo 4x4
« Одговори #1769 на: 26 Мај 2018, 11:36:00 am »
Да не биде љубоморна....